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It was fun flying with a fictional plane, I had done some crazy and dangerous maneuvers like the Pugachev's Cobra, Kulbit, Herbst, and Falling Leaf. It was insane, this plane is so maneuverable, it could even compete with the Daughters from the anime Girly Air Force.

Me: The only thing that ruined the anime was the protagonist.

I don't know, I didn't like the main character, the best character without a doubt is Phamtom, that girl rubs you the wrong way, but she's awesome when she's not in her troubled girl role.

Well, without beating around the bush, I have researched this place. This place is not an island, it is tropical and forested. There is an island nearby. I believe these islands should not exist near here because I have already used the plane's navigation, which tells me that I am in Central America. Due to a calculation error, I am in Panama.

Me: From what I have seen, there is a siren base in that place. I am very close to the enemy, but from what I can see, the enemy is not aware of my existence. I have intercepted enemy communications, but I have no readings about my identity or that they are looking for me.

What am I doing now? Well, I am testing my powers. At the moment, I know that I can summon helicopters, planes, and use cannons, grenade launchers, and automatic cannons.

In the case of weapons, I can shoot them from my pistol, but when I want to change weapons, I have a delay time of 40 seconds.

For example, if I want to change the cannon projectile to a grenade launcher, the change time is 40 seconds. Also, I cannot change weapons if I am in combat. If I am out of combat, I can change my ammunition as many times as I want, but once I enter combat, my weapons cannot be changed.

I also took the opportunity to practice using my gear and get used to using my new powers, and so three days have passed since my arrival in this world. For the moment, there is nothing to report. As a nuclear-powered submarine, I have not eaten during these three days, and as strange as it may seem, I also do not experience fatigue and do not need to sleep.

Me: Well, it's time to leave.

I have been practicing for these 3 days, 24 hours a day, so now I feel ready to set sail. I summon my rig and sit in the chair. My rig is shaped like a jet ski, identical to the helmet of my submarine. The length of my rig is quite long as it requires a seat for me to sit on and also needs to accommodate the VLS missile launch cells. That's why my rig is very long. The torpedo tubes are located at the front.

I sit down and start to accelerate, the controls are identical to those of a motorcycle, it has handlebars, throttle, speedometer, radar screen, sonar, and other interesting things, everything is a touchscreen where I can see, there is no analog clock, everything is digital.

I accelerate in this dark sea, fortunately the goddess who reincarnated me gave me the power of modern submarines. In short, I can stay submerged for as long as I want since modern submarines have the ability to generate oxygen without any problems. They only resurface when they need to restock food for the crew or when they need to anchor in port. Otherwise, they remain underwater all the time.

So I quickly dive because the submarine protocol is to dive after leaving the port of departure. When I dive, I can see how beautiful the sea is, the coral reefs, and other beautiful things like fish, stingrays, octopuses, squids, and other types of marine animals that I don't recognize.

Me: Wow, it's so beautiful, I never get tired of seeing this

I think that because I was very focused on my training, I didn't notice all this beauty of the sea. I think with this, the whole ticket has already been paid. The reason I don't like submarines is because... it's dangerous, it's like a sardine can that could sink due to an accident and other things. You know what happened to the Kursk or the disappearance of the Argentine submarine or the sinking of the Peruvian submarine. You know what happens with the rescue of the submariners, the chances are very low.

During World War II, many submarines sank along with their crews. The work of a is very dangerous, even more so than working as a deck officer on an aircraft carrier. Well, now I can't complain because now I am a "kansen," I can see what's happening around me so the chances of me colliding with something are very low. My is also very sensitive, so I can detect land several kilometers away. As for the , I can know what is above the surface. How?

Me: (Looking at the camera) It is a skill in the MW game. Remember that in the game, you are able to see airplanes flying while you are underwater. In real life, that is impossible to do because everything folds when the submarine submerges. This is done to prevent the sensors from being damaged by the saltwater of the sea.

My active skills are only three.

-Emergency repair. [Repair the ship in case of emergency]

-Missile countermeasures. [Launches flares and chaff to divert missiles]

-Ammunition reserve. [Reload the weapons that have been depleted]

I also have passive skills, I suppose these come from Azur Lane:

-Assassin: This ability increases the damage the enemy takes by 30%.

-Lone Wolf: Ability that activates when this ship is deployed alone. Increases luck and evasion by 60% on this ship.

-Perfected Stealth: Eliminates your presence by 80%. This activated ability makes everyone around you stop perceiving you. This ability can be activated manually or automatically.

-Nuclear Attack: This ability increases damage by 20%. This ability is activated when using weapons with nuclear warheads.

Me: I am interested in this last skill, a skill that increases DMG in nuclear weapons, that is definitely OP.

I am happy as I looked at my status once again, it is very interesting and fun, so I continue browsing this Pacific ocean.

To be continued

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