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After the fleet faced off against the Sakura Empire fleet and was engulfed by a bright yellow light, they have now all been teleported to the Arctic. All the girls were surprised by this event, and many of them were damaged by colliding with icebergs. They have already been treated and are out of danger. Some of the girls suffered from temperature fluctuations and had to be brought inside the ships to warm up their bodies.

Meanwhile, the high-ranking women of the Royal Navy are discussing the current situation.

London: Yes, when the special combat zone collapsed, it seems to have caused the rest of the nearby area to become unstable.

Hood: Was everything done by the sirens?

Wales: The Orochi project of the Sakura Empire and that mysterious yellow light that covered everything, I can't help but think that everything is somehow related.

QE: In order to thwart whatever the sirens are plotting, we cannot allow the empire to get away with it.

Meanwhile, the girls from Eagle Union look towards the distortion.

Denver: Aneki, what is that?

Cleveland: It's something I don't know.

Columbia: (Arriving with her sisters) Hey sisters.

Cleveland: Oh, it's you Columbia. What about your successor?

Columbia: Isn't she with you?

Cleveland: No, I thought I was with you.

Columbia: No, I saw her with the submarines when we fought against the empire.

In that, they see Dace, Albacore, and Mackerel who are very worried.

Cleveland: Hey!

Dace: Oh, it's Cleveland.

Cleveland: Did you see Columbia SS?

Dace: The successor of Columbia? No, we separated when we were fighting against the empire. She told me she was going to go where Akagi was and get information from her, whether by peaceful means or by force.

Cleveland: (worried) I see.

Columbia: Did she not say anything else?

Albacore: No, that was the last thing she said.


This did not go well as I expected and I underestimated those sirens. After being teleported to the Arctic, I was greeted by a fleet of sirens who attacked me when I tried to retrieve Akagi's body. I still don't know if she is alive or if she has already gone with Saint Peter, but the sirens they prevented, Observer tried to capture me, but I submerged and fired several Nixi decoys to lose the enemy, then I fired several torpedoes against the enemies after the decoys stopped operating and sank several enemy ships.

Me: For now, I managed to escape from the enemy. Those laser shots can be as damaging as the railgun-equipped ships in MW.

To date, I have fought against mass-produced ships, and I bet I don't want to experience firsthand the damage caused by the cannons of high-class Sirens or Arbiter-class Sirens. For now, I will sail carefully. Despite the fact that the Sirens have outdated electronic technology, and their mass-produced ships are made from tin cans, it doesn't mean that high-ranking Sirens or Arbiter-class ones are so weak.

I see several enemy ships passing over me, currently I am sailing at minimum speed to avoid being detected by enemy sonars, then I sail fast when I don't see the enemy and thus I try to search for the allied fleet while avoiding the icebergs that are in my way, after navigating past several ice mounds, I detect a fleet ahead of me.

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