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We approach Unicorn to ask her about something she is worried about.

Javelin: Hello

Unicorn: (Surprised squeal) Hi!

Me: (Friendly smile) Don't worry, ma'am, we're just trying to help.

Unicorn: (Calms down) Oh, I think you are...

Javelin: My name is Javelin, I am from the Royal Navy just like you.

Me: Hello, I am USS District of Columbia, a submarine from the Eagle Union. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Unicorn: I am Unicorn, it's a pleasure to meet you all...

Me: You seem very worried, what happened?

Unicorn: I have separated from Yuu-chan...

Javelin: Yuu-chan? Who is she?

Me: (I think she is referring to her stuffed unicorn that she always carries.)

Unicorn: She is my friend, I have lost her... What can I do? I am very worried...

Javelin: Oh, I know! (Grabs Unicorn's hand) Let's go look for her together! What do you think?

Unicorn: Well... it's just that I...

In that moment, she looks at me and I smile kindly, feeling a strong urge to protect Unicorn's smile.

Me: Don't worry, we'll look for her.

Javelin: Great! Let's go look for Yuu-chan!

So we started walking to look for Yuu-chan, while we were walking, Unicorn pointed to a portrait of Yuu-chan and just as I thought, it was Unicorn's stuffed animal, but that drawing of Yuu-chan...

Me: (Why is the unicorn portrayed as a very muscular Jojo-style unicorn?)

As we were walking, we came across Laffey. Just as she said, "I'm going to find a suitable place to sleep," she is indeed sleeping on a bench in the central square of the Azur Lane Academy. Javelin approaches Laffey to talk.

Javelin: Hey Laffey...

Laffey: (Waking up) Hmm? What's wrong, Javelin?

Unicorn: (Showing the drawing of Yuu-chan) Have you seen Yuu-chan?

Laffey: ...

Me: It seems like she separated from her friend, have you seen her by any chance?

AZUR LANE: An Underwater Adventure (Translate)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora