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Today we slept together again, we had another sleepover in Javelin's bedroom where Javelin, Laffey, Unicorn, Ayanami, and I attended. That night we played Western chess and Ayanami also taught us how to play Shogi. We had fun, but because Ayanami has been playing this game for a long time, she easily defeated us. After that, we went to sleep almost at midnight.

The next day, as usual, I was the first one to wake up, so I did my morning exercises and then went to my room where I showered and got ready. After that, I left my room and when I arrived at the lobby, I saw Javelin, Ayanami, and Unicorn talking about something, so I approached them.

Me: Good morning.

Javelin: Good morning, it seems like you wake up very early.

Unicorn: Good morning.

Ayanami: Good morning.

Me: Hey Javelin, if you keep being a sleepyhead, you'll never improve.

Javelin: Hehehe, we played a lot last night.

Enterprise: Wait! I'm sorry! It was just a joke! Forgive me!

In that, we saw Belfast very upset and she is dragging Enterprise by the ear.

Belfast: I'm not going to forgive you for what you've done to me, you almost gave me a heart attack!

Enterprise: I already told you it was just a little joke! It wasn't my intention for you to almost faint!

Belfast: You were recently sick from overworking yourself! So when I saw you on the ground, I thought you had passed away!

This scene was somewhat funny to watch, but it was also very shocking for all of us who saw this scene. It was the first time that we all saw Belfast very upset and dragging someone by the ear.

Javelin: Huh? Huh? What was that?

Me: I see it and I don't believe it.

Ayanami: That scared me.

Unicorn: I have never seen Belfast like this.

Laffey: (Just arrived) Wow... Good morning. I slept so well last night.

Laffey walks towards us while yawning, she seems to have missed the fight scene as she is the only one who is not surprised.


Without anyone knowing, near the Azur Lane base, Purifier yawns as she prepares to launch an offensive against the Azur Lane base.


We walked to the dining room to be served food, while we waited I could see Belfast giving Enterprise a killer look, while Enterprise looked pale and cold sweating, it was funny to see.

Javelin: What's going on with those two?

Me: Maybe a lovers' quarrel?

Ayanami: Are there really kansen here who love each other?

Me: No idea. But I have no problem with seeing a romantic relationship between two women.

Ayanami: Then they are girlfriends.

Me: Hmmm, I don't know, I'm just speculating.


Me: To the beast.

An explosion shakes the entire place, fortunately the explosion was far away so we were not injured.

Enterprise: What was that!?

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