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Wales, Illustrious, and Cleveland continued discussing the situation between factions and diplomatic issues when suddenly, London enters the office.

London: We have a problem. The Sirens are attacking us!

Wales: (Shock) Sirens? Intercept them immediately. This is not a drill!

London: Understood!

London runs out, and Cleveland rushes to the window. There, she sees Siren planes bombing the beach and the port of the base. She grabs her cape and runs out of the office.

Wales: (Thoughtful) Sirens now? The coincidences are too terrible... This can't be a mere coincidence...

Illustrious: (Realizing something) Impossible...

Meanwhile, all the girls rush to their combat stations. ColumbiaSS is running towards her submarine, ordering it to fire SM-3 missiles at the enemy planes. The submarine obeys, launching several anti-aircraft missiles at the enemy planes, successfully shooting down some of them.

Arcadia: Show me the radar!

At that moment, the radar is deployed within ColumbiaSS's field of view. The radar shows 2 aircraft carriers, 5 battleships, 13 cruisers, and 10 destroyers on the horizon, all contacts being Siren ships.

Arcadia: Fire the Tomahawks.

The Tomahawk missiles were fired at the distant enemy fleet. The missiles took flight and soared towards the enemy. Due to the lack of Kansen near ColumbiaSS, this event went unnoticed for the time being. After the radar contact, 5 ships disappeared, including the aircraft carriers and some cruisers. After reloading the missiles, ColumbiaSS fired once again.

Meanwhile, Cleveland runs along the beach, where two Siren planes attack her, but the enemy's attack misses Cleveland.

Cleveland: Cleveland, knight of the seas!

At that moment, Cleveland's ship starts to glow.

Cleveland: Into battle!

At that moment, when Cleveland jumps into the sea, her ship breaks apart into several mental cubes that surround her. They start equipping her with her gear, and then she fires at the enemy planes. The enemy planes explode from Cleveland's AA projectiles.

Cleveland: How about that? The ultimate weapon that humanity developed to fight against you.

At that moment, one of the planes fires its ASM missiles at Cleveland, but due to the primitive guidance of the missile, it fails to hit Cleveland. Cleveland shoots down the attacking plane, successfully taking it down.

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