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We approached the position of Hornet's fleet and after a few minutes of navigation we arrived. During the journey no one spoke everyone was tense due to the situation. Upon reaching the destination I decreased the depth to use the periscope. Looking through the periscope I could confirm that the allied fleet wouldn't last much longer. In the vicinity I could see many destroyers, cruisers, and a mass-produced Siren battleship destroyed. However Zuikaku and Shokaku were overwhelming Hornet.

From the allied fleet I can only see Hornet still standing. The rest of the girls I see them lying in the sea and I worry about them.

Albacore: What's up? What do you see?

Me: I only see Hornet fighting against the fifth division of the empire but the rest of the allied girls are motionless. I don't know if they are injured or dead. Albacore and Caballa, go with Hornet's fleet and check on the condition of the girls. I will draw the attention of the fifth division.

Albacore/Mackerel: It's fine.

Albacore: Come back safely. remember that we have a pending duel.

Me: Ok

I see that the submarines are leaving now I can fight without restrictions now I prepare my... Would they sink with Tomahawk missiles? I better prepare the Tier II missile that way there's no loss.

So I fire the Tier II Tomahawk missile aiming at Zuikaku who is about to hit Hornet in her blind spot. Hornet is unaware because Shokaku distracted her and Zuikaku was able to approach Hornet without any problems.

The missile manages to approach but Zuikaku realizes the missile and she retreats and by sheer chance manages to cut the missile using her katana.

I see why everyone calls her lucky aircraft carrier or lucky crane without a doubt she lives up to her name.

She looks around searching for the culprit too bad she won't be able to find me to deal with someone like me you have to bring a modern destroyer to destroy me if you don't have one it's a pity you won't be able to defeat me.


The missile explodes far from Zuikaku.

Zuikaku: (Confused and looking around) Where did that attack come from? I don't see anyone around me.

Shokaku: Zuikaku! Are you okay?

Zuikaku: Yes! I'm fine! But that attack really caught me by surprise!

Then they saw several missiles heading towards them. Zuikaku noticed how slow those missiles were going and easily cut them down. The shot down missiles exploded far away from them.

Zuikaku: I have intercepted projectiles that were twice as fast! Do not underestimate me!

They looked around here and there for several minutes and didn't see anyone else only they were there and the Hornet fleet.

Zuikaku: It doesn't matter anymore let's deal with... Huh?

They turned to look at the places where the American chances were but they were no longer there. They had vanished into thin air but in reality that didn't happen and there is a scientific explanation.

Albacore and Mackerel approached the position of the wounded Hornet fleet they summoned their ships and emerged while the fifth division was distracted searching for Columbia who had fired the Tomahawk over and over again.

Mackerel and Albacore took the Kansen from Hornet's fleet signaling Hornet to board Albacore's submarine. Once everyone was safely inside the submarines both submerged to leave the area. When Columbia heard that the allied submarines had submerged and started to leave, she stopped attacking and submerged again rejoining the allied submarine fleet. As she was retreating she heard the sound of a large fleet emerging above her—destroyers, cruisers, and battleships. She didn't know who it could be, so she cautiously raised the periscope to take a look. To her surprise, she saw Prinz Eugen and a mass-produced Siren fleet that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Columbia decides to keep the periscope hidden and sail silently to meet up with her friends. After a while she manages to escape and meet up with her friends. The first thing she does is ask about the condition of Hornet's fleet.

Me: (Using sonar to communicate) [How is the situation going]

Albacore: (using sonar to communicate) [They're fine just tired with some cuts and bruises but nothing serious]

Me: Thank goodness I'm relieved to know that there are no injuries to regret. We're heading to the base to report.

Albacore: [Ok]

Columbia: [Ok]

After everything they returned to the base. Caballa and Albacore helped the wounded to be transported to the base hospital for treatment. They talked to Enterprise to report the health status of Hornet and her friends. Enterprise who was very worried felt relieved upon hearing the report from the two submarines. On the other hand Columbia went to deliver her report to Wales.

Wales: So the Red Axis fleet was still around this place.

Me: Yes it wasn't just the Sakura Empire. When we were retreating I could confirm that the Iron Blood fleet appeared to help the Sakura Empire's kansen. I saw Prinz Eugen, Z23, Ayanami, and an Iron Blood aircraft carrier... I think it was August von Parceval.

Wales: Your German is a bit broken but well it is a somewhat difficult language to pronounce.

Me: There is no doubt Iron Blood is also providing military support to Sakura Empire.

Wales: This will be more problematic than I expected if the empire has access to Iron Blood technology... we will have a tough time I hope Nagato hasn't imported many Iron Blood weapons... Thank you very much for your report you have earned a break I'll give you two days off you deserve it also let Albacore and Caballa know.

Me: You're welcome.

Columbia withdraws from the Wales office while Wales on the other hand feels very uneasy upon hearing Columbia's report.

Wales: We must win this war quickly if we don't want to lose if we lose the world may perish. How troublesome all of this is...

Wales looks out the window trying to think of a quick solution to this big problem. The sun begins to set on the horizon making way for the night.

To be continued

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