FIGHT! [11]

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Meanwhile, in the sky, several Spitfire planes appeared out of nowhere to combat against Kaga's planes. The owner of these planes is then revealed to be Unicorn. Several planes from Akagi and Kaga were shot down in the aerial skirmish.

Cleveland: Interceptors?

Unicorn: Don't bother my friends!

At that moment, Yuu-chan glows and grows to the size of a horse, and Unicorn mounts her. Then, Yuu-chan takes flight, and Unicorn deploys more planes. Unicorn's planes take down even more enemy aircraft in the aerial battle.

Kaga notices Unicorn.

Kaga: That brat is an aircraft carrier... with such a slender body, she's not much of a feast, but prey is prey.

At that moment, Kaga transforms her rigging into a massive nine-tailed fox, leaving all the girls astonished.

Cleveland: What the hell is that thing!?

On the other hand, our protagonist is in shock, watching the fox through the periscope.

Arcadia: Seriously, could Kaga do that? As far as I know, she couldn't do that in the game. I need some context!

Kaga: (Looking at Unicorn) I'm going to devour you!

Unicorn realizes that she is the target of the fox and decides to escape. The fox deploys its flight deck and starts launching more planes to engage Unicorn's. During all this, Javelin tries to defend Unicorn by firing her anti-aircraft weapons. However, in that moment, she fails to notice torpedoes heading her way.

Laffey: Watch out!

Laffey pushes Javelin out of the path of the torpedoes, but unfortunately, the torpedoes manage to hit Laffey.

Javelin: (Concerned) Laffey!

Laffey: (Lying) Don't worry, I'm fine.

Laffey wasn't actually fine; she lied so that Javelin could focus on the battle. In front of them appears Ayanami, and this surprises Javelin greatly.

Javelin: It's you!

Ayanami: Sakura Empire destroyer, my name is Ayanami (Retrofit), destroyer of the Ayanami class. Ayanami unsheathes her sword and prepares to attack Javelin, but Javelin stops Ayanami's sword with her spear.

Javelin: (Confused) Why are you doing this?

Ayanami: Because we are enemies!

Javelin and Ayanami continue exchanging shots for a while. On the other hand, Unicorn keeps avoiding Kaga's attacks. Unicorn sends her planes to attack the enemy, and at that moment, the fox's anti-aircraft guns start firing at Unicorn's planes, successfully shooting down all of Unicorn's aircraft.

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