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Our team continued playing volleyball and later Unicorn and Hamman joined us in the game. In the game I didn't expect Unicorn to be so good at playing volleyball. I guess you shouldn't judge a book by its cover as Unicorn is on the opposing team making it a bit challenging for my team to win. On the other hand, Hornet is acting as the referee for this game.

Team 1: Javelin, Laffey, and me.

Team 2: Albacore, Unicorn, and Hamman.

The game was very close and went to 5 sets and there was still no winner at 30/30. The game is still very close and has become a game of endurance because I am powered by nuclear energy I am not tired yet but I can't say the same for my teammates Javelin and Laffey are breathing heavily and are very sweaty the same goes for the opposing team Albacore, Unicorn, and Hamman are also very tired.

Me: (Since when did this volleyball match become a world championship?)

After two more games Hornet decides to stop the game and declare it a tie as it was not healthy for the girls to keep playing until death. On the other hand she told us to rest and then we would play other less competitive games at the beach.

After resting we played burying someone under the sand and the victim was Hamman.

Hamman: (Disgusted) Why does Hamman have to be the first!? They buried me too close to the sea!

Hornet: Don't worry the tide won't rise for another 3 hours so we have plenty of time.

Yo: (Taking lots of photos) You look so funny Hamman. Look at the little bird...

Hamman: Hey! Don't take pictures of me! Give me the camera! Hand over the film!

Me: I can't this bed is digital and doesn't have a movie.

Hamman: Damn it! As soon as I break free you're going to pay for everything that has happened to me!

After a few hours a storm hits the coast of the base and a torrential rain falls over the base. Since I am a submarine my job is to get wet so I have nothing to worry about. But the other girls are running to take shelter from the rain.


Meanwhile in the Wales office. Wales is looking out the window at the magnitude of the storm.

Wales: It is going to get even stronger.

Meanwhile at that moment Cleveland enters Wales' office quickly.

Wales: What's up?

Cleveland: The communication room has intercepted an SOS from a Dragon Empery fleet.

Wales: Really?

Cleveland: Yes, position ****** and ****** is 45 minutes away from the base.

Wales: Alright contact as many kansen as you can do this as discreetly as possible I don't want to start a panic after the first Red Axis attack.

Cleveland nods and leaves the office. She contacts all the kansen she can including: Hamman, Cleveland, Belfast, Enterprise (who will take care of medical assistance) and Columbia (submarine escort).

Hamman: (Complaining) Ugh I can't believe I have to get wet again.

Cleveland: (Awkward smile) I'm really sorry (Serious tone) but we can't ignore an SOS we should be getting closer.

AZUR LANE: An Underwater Adventure (Translate)Where stories live. Discover now