all your first times

271 11 1

The door closes with a loud bang.

What kind of sick bastard attacks me like that. The beginning of a horror film, okay maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. Horror films are pretty predictable, but the people in the films seem to have never watched a horror film based on their decisions, ooh there's a leaving one House, it's definitely a good idea to go in there or the grandiose idea of ​​separating where every single person is brutally slaughtered. Really by watching horror films you learn the best survival skills.

The hand still pressed to my face muffles my scream, my body is pressed against a strong body that feels amazingly good, if it weren't for the fact that this obviously human asshole drags me into a dark room completely unprepared.

My attacker probably wouldn't have expected me to defend myself, so I bite his hand with full force

"Shit" my attacker curses and quickly pulls his hand away, I could recognize my attacker's voice among thousands. I quickly turn around and see Descamps, who is holding his hand in pain. He glares at me angrily, what is he mad about now? It's his own fault. "<<Why did you do that>>" "Why I did that, you don't scare a psychopath." "<<So you admit that you belong in a
white vest>>" a clear allusion to psychiatry, even now he still jokes

My gaze wanders through the room, which is obviously the storage room. There are cleaning products on two shelves on the side, a broom and metal sheet. The only thing that preserves this room is a small window on the side, which is really small and you can see it in the air Recognizing dust particles.

My gaze finally stops on Descamps, who is looking at me with an arrogant smile on the corner of his mouth.

The smile that makes me want to slap him out of his face is at the same time exactly the kind of smile that makes my heart beat faster, it's confusing, these feelings that he triggers in me that I can't place and then there's this anger that he triggers in me just like now again, it just drives me crazy.

"Shouldn't you actually be into sports?" I ask him suspiciously, after everything he's done, I know that it's better not to trust him.

"<<I could ask you the same thing. Weren't you the one looking for me? You can't even stand a few minutes without me>>" I gasp indignantly, how can you be as arrogant and self-pleasing as him and believe me That means what my dad had to celebrate with thousands of business people where it's just full of people like that "<<but if you really want to know, I'm here to have a smoke>>" I just shake my head at one I could also use a cigarette now "No, I'm not here because of you" Well, not quite, the corners of his mouth move downwards as if he were disappointed, that's probably just his imagination "So I was on your night but not because I wanted to go to you no soldern because "you" hit me in the chest with my finger "you took away Appelbaum's glasses"

A smile has formed on his face again, smug "<<What makes you think it was me>>" he asks, innocent as ever, I roll my eyes "because you're an asshole...-besides, I know it from pincho" he laughs "<<the fat now needs help from a girl...- and even if it was me, what are you doing to ensure that he gets her back >>" I feel sorry for pincho, how long he has been had to put up with these sayings and harassment "apart from that, the fact that Pincho is a nice guy and the fact that he's a bit stronger doesn't mean that he's any less beautiful, while you're just disgusting on the inside, your good looks don't help you either" in his jaw tenses up for a short time until a glint appears in his eyes that scares me a little

"<<So you think I look good>>" I shake my head in disbelief, of course that's what he takes from it." Give me that glasses "<<what do I get for it>>" you can't even make something decent ones...-ooh, ooh I forgot you're an ass" "<<do you really think that by insulting me you'll achieve something" he asks amused, probably not but insulting him satisfies something inside me. "<<what do I get now>>" he asks, his gaze directed at my lips, I slowly walk towards him until I'm standing in front of him, just a few centimeters away from his face, his hot breath caresses my face pleasantly, I put me on ten points I put my arm around his shoulder, my lips are about to touch his, I run my hand through his hair and pull his head back away from me with a surprised look, he looks at me, my hand goes into his trouser pocket "<<but you answer it> >" he says trying to free himself from my grip without being afraid. My hand goes into the other pants pocket where I find what I'm looking for. With Applebaum's glasses in my hand, I let him go, Descamps grabs his neck painfully and I giggle triumphantly.

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