weak moments

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"I want so much to make things right, but every instinct in my body is telling me to be careful. What you don't know can hurt you"

I decide on an old song, while I was singing it felt like before, the pure life that flows through you, actually you can't put this incredible feeling into words, since I sang in the descamps house I wanted to feel it again, Inhaling the feeling like a drug.

I would have liked to have stood here the whole time, but after I've sung the last verses I slowly open my eyes. There's a crowd of people around me who are looking at me as if spellbound. It reminds me of the appearances from the past as a child that I loved so much to carry the audience along, to spread a good mood, but also to sing things that they identify with.

While all eyes are on me, mine is only focused on a boy with an eye patch who is standing leaning against the wall with his hands in his trouser pockets. His gaze captures mine.

In the background the audience is cheering and clapping, he was right.

I love singing, i hate him for it but
i hate myself even more because
i allowed it and couldn't resist it.
And my feeling tells me that it wasn't the last time.

Our eyes still connected, I turn away to the audience who are waiting to see me say something or even sing, but that won't happen. My part of the deal has been fulfilled. He hasn't mentioned how long I have to sing, which is why I'm free That's exactly what I do, with one last look at Descamp, I turn around and strut away with loud steps, making my way to Simone. There are lots of people around me who follow me with their eyes and whisper.

Seriously, they don't have anything else to do? Why don't I ask myself that, of course, otherwise they wouldn't be here.

I quickly walk through the crowd. It's tight. There are so many people with me. I hate narrow places. It's such an unpleasant feeling that I hate.

When I spot Simone I breathe a sigh of relief, she waves at me, my steps become faster. Suddenly an older man stands in my way. He has brown hair with a few gray strands, probably in his fifties.

I take a step to the side and he follows me. My eyebrows furrow in confusion. I try to get out of his way again but again he stands in my way.

Okay, now it's obvious he's doing it on purpose.

My eyes darken. "Get out of my way." the old man laughs, if he thinks that's funny, that makes me even angrier.

I put my hands on my hips and watch him, waiting. "<<I'm sorry to make you angry,..-you just got off the stage so quickly>>" the man shakes his head in disbelief. "<<you..- "su reminds me of someone I once knew, the resemblance is amazing" "I'm sorry, but I'm not that person" he laughs through his hair "<<I know you're far too young to be you...- just you have the same face and voice...-she has such a beautiful voice >>".

Could it be that he...- no, he can't, where would he be?...- although she was born here I shake the thought away, looking over his shoulder I see Simone waiting for me "I have to go" when I When he wants to leave, he holds my wrist, I tear myself away "what" "<<are you related to Alice Petrova>>" I freeze as the name leaves his mouth, I haven't heard him in so long "what" question I hope I misheard "<<if you are related to Alice Petrova>>" so I was right, he knows her. I swallow hard but nod
"<<good...- I thought I was crazy>>".

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