play along

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In my sixteen years of life, I have suppressed the rebellious teenager in me until now, which is exactly what makes it all the more difficult for me to sneak out unnoticed because of my lack of experience.

I wait until the coast is clear to climb down the ladder that I previously placed on my balcony. I hide the ladder in a pile of leaves. When I hear footsteps, I hide in the pile.

the person starts poking in the pile "<<funny the rats are getting bigger and bigger and they look like Katerina>>" says natascha "shut up" i get up and remove the leaves from my hair, natascha eyes my outfit a long coat with sunglasses so that no one can recognize me a grin forms on her face

"<<What are you doing out here at this time, are you sneaking out>>" "No...-okay maybe, please don't say it dad" "<<Are you kidding, my lips are sealed, I've been waiting for this moment since you were a little child...-and finally the time has come, even if it's a little late>>" "Thank you" " <<Katerina, why didn't you just use the front door?>>" "Yeah, sure...-I'll just go downstairs, pass Jade, say stay calm, I'll see you later." "<<You already know that, Jade yourself At a party, that's what she said at the dinner table>>"

Oh, I must have missed that, because I came up with this plan during dinner.

"<<Should I drive you somewhere>>" No, I can manage on my own" "<<So don't drink too much, take care of yourself and otherwise have fun >>" I love Natasha, I'm setting off on my high heels the way to the address that descamps gave me.

When I get to the bar I can already hear loud voices and music. To be on the safe side I took a book with me in case I didn't like it.

I take a deep breath for the last time, enter the bar and there are old men staring at me, I'm still wearing my long coat, I just ignore it when I see Simone I relax, I walk towards her with quick steps There are other classmates and the seniors, including a good-looking man with green eyes and black hair.

Simone hugs me "<<I didn't expect you here>>" I didn't either, apparently we're both wrong" I laugh "Where is Michele " Annick I know that she won't come, she's not the type for that "<<Michele won't come, she's staying at home today>>" says Jean in a deep, pleasant voice.

How can someone be so attractive - he's not as good looking as Descamps - say you voice in my head -but at least he knows how to treat a woman with respect.

"<<I don't think we've introduced ourselves, I'm Jean Pierre>>" I shake the hand he's holding out to me "Katerina Petrova, nice to meet you".

"<<what brings you here>>" he asks "the same as anyone to have fun"

He looks at me closely, my cheeks start to burn. He averts his gaze as if he had noticed. "<<Should I get the lady something to drink>>" he asks with a charming smile on his lips, "Sure, what do you drink "I've never been to a bar before. I usually drink red wine or cockotails."

"<<So a red wine for the woman, a lady with taste>>" he flirts with me.

He disappears towards the bar I feel eyes on me back one is burning right on me I turn around and meet Descamp's gaze that burns into me, a strange expression in his eyes as if something was bothering him. He looks irresistibly good again today, something like that should be forbidden.
I turn my gaze to Simone, she has the same expression in her eyes as Descamps.-weirde

I get up, take off my coat and a strapless red dress appears, so that my collarbones appear perfectly balanced. There is a bow in the middle and shoes of the same color. I wear my hair open and curly.

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