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"I noticed everything.
I just acted like
I didn't."

I'm slowly starting to ask myself whether going to school was a good idea. I used to always dream about what it was like to go to school, to have friends, to have overnight parties, to talk about boys and girls, to have a father who wasn't always with them I'm busy at work, I don't hold him against it.

It must have been hard to be a single parent, to be there for me, to support me in my grief, but not to break myself. My father tried to hide it, but I could see it every time he saw me in the evening in the office he looked at mom's photo and in the end he finally banned the photos explaining to me that with my relatives with my aunt the worst thing was seeing the pain in his eyes when I...

A door is pushed open and I am torn out of my thoughts.

I'm jumping out of my skin

Miss Giraud is standing in the doorway, looking at us sternly. We've been standing here for an hour and a half. I'm surprised that Descamps managed to keep his mouth shut.

The others come out because the break is starting. The girls give me a sympathetic look, just like Laubrac "comes in" Misses says seriously. We enter the class and the door closes.

"<<.....Do we understand each other>>" she finishes her speech, I just nod and look at Descamps, who is already watching me, his eyes... "<<you have a week to hand in the project, you behave yourself in the future >>" with that she leaves the class with her loud steps.

I expected a lot of a project where we would have to paint our own poem and a matching painting, but not that she could have given us a lot but that and then I also have to work with Descamps and sacrifice my free time for it.

I'm about to leave your room when Descamps grabs me by the hand and pulls me back. I try to free myself from his grasp. "Let go off me" I hiss through clenched teeth.

"<<No>>" I look at him through my eyes his grip becomes tighter "you hurt me" my wrist hurts immediately he loosens his grip his eyes softer than before which leaves me confused "sorry" he murmurs

I was finally able to free myself "why" I stroke my wrist "<<because I want to talk to you>>" "How about asking normal questions instead of just grabbing me like that" "<<would you have spoken to you then>>" "no" I say coldly "<<you see>>" I sigh annoyed "what do you want" I ask to get it over with.

"<<what about the project>>" he says, looking deep into my eyes "what about it" "<<when ​​are we meeting>>" he asks with his hands in his pockets. Today he has black trousers with one white shirt a perfect combination that suits him incredibly well the white reflects his angelic appearance the black reflects his darkness that surrounds him his dark soul if he has one, a sweet darkness my observation complete I end up looking at his eyes in which there is a mischief "<<do you like what you see>>" he asks cheekily "no, I feel... - it's just- ....the outfit doesn't suit you at all" "<<of course>>" I roll my eyes, no interest in the whole thing.

"Don't think about it," I threaten. He already has too big an ego. He's a hot man, but he's a bigger asshole.

I push the hair out of my face behind my ear. Descamps follows my every move. "We'll meet at my house at 3 p.m." I rummage through my bag, take out a pen, take his hand and write my address on it.

"<<Is that okay... because of your father?>>" he asks "he's not here" his eyes light up, his gaze holds me <<"so we alone>>" captive "uhh.." I blink to catch myself "no, a few employees are there" somehow he seems dejected, as if he is disappointed

Sweet darkness जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें