Chapter 16

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Mohini was walking through the hallways, it was really dark. She was trying to find her guest room.

Suddenly some pulled her into one of the empty guest room, she was about to scream when plam closed her mouth. She closely observed the person who standing so close to her.

“Yuddhistir!” she almost shouted but it was muffled by his hand. “leave me!” she said in her muffled voice and started wiggling out of his grip but immediately pinned to the wall. Still trying to get of his grip he spoke up trying to stop her, “i am sorry I shouldn't have acted like that towards you..” he said almost desperately, but she wasn't listening.
She wanted to get away from him.

“i am sorry!” but she still wasn't listening, she was hitting his chest to get herself free but he wasn't budging, it wasn't hurting him physically, but it was hurting his heart.

Slowly tears welled up in both of their eyes.
Mohini stopped and looked at him, “What do you want from me!” she whispered shouted. She was trying so hard not to cry infront of him, but was failing.

“What were you doing with him!” he interrogated her, pinning her shoulders to wall caging her between his arms, “why do you care?!” she answered him back. Her answers were testing him.

Like the people say Yuddhisthir was a really calm person, everyone will laugh if they hear anyone saying Yuddhisthir lost his cool. But with Mohini he is different person, he doesn't need to hide his feelings like he does infront of his family.

She has seen his anger and mental breakdowns, he has found his safe place in her. But if anyone tried to take her away, he would lose his mind.

But right now he doesn't have any answer to the question she asked, “Because.. Because you are my responsibility, and it's my duty to know what you are doing” he said in authoritive voice, with leaning his face closer to her. She was determined to not to get intimidated by him.

She sarcastically smiled and said “I really don't care, and I don't want to talk to you!” she said and was about get off his grip but it only grew stronger. He again pinned her back to the wall. “is it about yesterday?, I said I am sorry for that!” he said now angrily. “Oh so your sorry now!” she said looking into his eyes, “You'er sorry! You will always scream at me, take your anger out on me and expect me forgive every single time! Huh?” “this is pointless, why are you even angry?”

“yeah! My talks are always pointless, only you make sense right? I..” Mohini started letting out her feelings. “Please tell me Mohini what happened..” he now asked in a gentle voice.

She couldn't take it anymore, she wanted to let it all out. But something stopped her. “You won't understand..” she said, tears falling from her eyes on her cheeks.

Yuddhisthir didn't say anything just looked at her, she still looked so beautiful and pretty even while crying. He was caressing her cheeks, wiping all her sorrows with his thumb, she looked up at him, deep into his hazelnut coloured eyes.

He slowly leaned looking at her lips, his brain was stopping him from what he was going to do but his heart was ready to risk it all.

Mohini slowly closed her eyes, her mind blurry from crying and all the sorrows.

He lips touched her's, as he slowly started kissing her, hands on her waist while caressing her cheeks. She let him, her heart tell her to let him, after all she has feelings for him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, while caressing his hair. Yuddhishtir was feeling so many things inside, he was on cloud 9. He bit her lower lips to which moaned. But suddenly it all came crashing down.

She remembered, she is kissing Yuddhishtir who is going to marry Draupadi, her sister figure, how can she. She pushed him immediately.

“how can I do this..?” she said to herself touching her lips and then looked at him shocked.
“tomorrow is your wedding! And here I am..!” she said as her lips wobbled.

“i..what if jiji finds out..?” she mumbled feeling guilty, but loud enough so Yuddhisthir can hear.

“i..I ..” he couldn't say anything, he was feeling ashamed of himself too. What was he doing? Tomorrow is his wedding and what was he doing?

Shree ran away from him to her room and locked it. He didn't follow her, he just stood there frozen thinking about what he just did.

Mohini next day woke up groggily. She was feeling, guilt, anger, and Frustration.

Everything at once.

But few dasis came to tell that the Princess has called her after her bath. She got bit tensed after remembering last night's events.

She nodded, and after, taking a bath she went to Draupadi's room, when she entered she saw Draupadi running here and there in stress.

“Jiji!” Shree called out and Panchali stopped. She looked at her and went to her and pulled her to the bed. “Do you they haven't bought the flowers yet, and the jewelry are still at the other side of the place, which will take almost 1 hour to bring here, and my sari is not ready yet-” “Jiji calm down!” Mohini said softly, cupping Panchali's cheeks.

“i know your tensed about the wedding, don't try to hide it..” she said gently, as if she  was a mother who was shushing a child. Tears well up in Draupadi's eyes and she hugged her Madhura. Madhura didn't say anything and just caressing Draupadi's hair, trying to calm her down.

“everything is okay, I am here, shh it's ok,” she affirmed, Draupadi, in that hug didn't feel less than a mother's embrace.

After few minutes Draupadi calmed down. Madhura looked at her, “i feel like I am doing something wrong, what if they raise questions at my character..?” Draupadi asked.

“you know right Krishn will be present here?” Draupadi nodded. “And you know lord Ved Vyas will be the witness of the wedding..?” Draupadi again nodded.

“then why are questioning yourself, all I know that you are the most selfless and the kindest woman I have ever met. You are the bravest girl, and I respect you so much for it..” Mohini said trying to make Draupadi understand. She caressed Draupadi's cheeks and kissed her forehead.

“and at last I am here, if anyone, and I mean anyone tried to say anything to you which makes you feel bad and makes you feel insecure. They have to face my warth. I am promising you, even if I am harmed or I am in pain, I will protect you with everything I have ” Mohini said seriously.

Draupadi chuckled “Arey meri Madhura tu itni badi hogayi ki tu ab mere liye ladegi, tuhj pe Jaan chidhku mein, tujhe kuch hua to mein kese jiyungi..?” Draupadi said fondly, “jiji mein choti nahi hun!” Mohini whined and Draupadi laughed, oh how greatful she was to have her Madhura. One moment she was acting like Mother and now a whining child.

She wishes to keep Madhura with her forever.

There goes the sixteenth chapter!!

I suck at writing romantic scenes.. sorry for whatever I have written. But when it's for Draupadi and Mohini, I don't something in wakes up.

I am telling ya, if I was really in dwapar Yug I would thrown my hands with anyone if they would have made My sweet Panchali cry, even if it meant to slap Arjun or kick Yuddhisthir, I really don't care 💅 (I am definitely going to hell after saying that..)

But we support sisterhood 💅🌸🌺!!!

So I wanted you guys to make some ship name with Mohini you can them with anyone but I really wanted one for Mohini and please make one...

And also I really wanted Ashish Sharma as Duryodhan and Ahem Sharma as Karn...😗 guys decide we still have time till afternoon of tomorrow so tell me..

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P.S : sorry for any grammatical and spelling mistakes...

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