𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐: 𝐁𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭

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"Be a good girl and try to be quiet, capito?" He whispers in my neck

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"Be a good girl and try to be quiet, capito?" He whispers in my neck.

My breathing is ragged. I'm so scared right now because I've never done something like this. And what if he doesn't like me because of my lack of experience. Even so, how do I tell him?

He pushes my body back on the desk so my legs are in the air. Closed of course.

His hands running up and down the sides of my thighs. I think it's obvious that I'm nervous because he stops. "Why are you so nervous?" He says while smiling, his dimples showing.

"I-I've never done something like this before." I mutter and his hands retract from me.

"You're a virgin?" He says it like it's something bad. "Y-yeah." My voice comes out strained.

Well that ended quicker than it started.

Great. Is it bad that I'm a virgin? It's not my fault my dad is a psycho and didn't let me out of the house. I mean I guess I was kinda forced my virginity from me but does that count?

"Is something wrong?" I was genuinely questioning if I did something, or if he was embarrassed.

"I need you to get out." His voice icy. I stood up from his desk and walked out. Forgetting to grab the card but who gives a shit. I don't need his money.

I've never asked for anything in my life and I'm not going to start now that I have a rich "fiancé".

I meet Massima by the door and she's smirking, but stops when she sees my face. "Let's just go." I grab my bag and head out the door. Her following close behind.

"Rough time?" She jokes getting into her car and I follow suit getting into the passenger side.

"I hate my life." I keep my gaze out the window as we drive to the mall.

We arrive to probably the biggest mall I've ever seen in my life. With almost 2 stories.

After blasting Kanye songs we get out of the car laughing.

I had a little cash on me and a card I kept for emergencies. Of course my dad doesn't know about it, I had to have a guard get it for me after begging him.

Walking through the unnecessarily large mall, I can say my feet hurt like hell.

"Why did Giovanni and Mariano think it was a good idea to make this mall so fucking big." Massima groaned from beside me.

Wait...Giovanni and Mariano?

They fucking own this mall?

"Wait they own the mall?" I ask adjusting my two bags of clothing. On the other hand massima had a guard beside her carrying full arms worth of bags and she was holding her purse.

"Yeah. They both decided to build one when they were 22, I didn't want to put in the paperwork because I just wanted to shop here."

I nodded in understanding. We made it to another store and it happened to be lingerie. Of course.

"God I love this place" she said walking in, I just followed behind as she looked through the different lace sets and undergarments.

"This would look so good on you." She held up a 3-peice black set with a garter belt. I will admit that it was beautiful but it just wasn't for me. "I couldn't possibly." I denied her request but she shoved it in my hands. "Go try it on now." She pushed me into a changing room and shut the door on me.

Damn ok.

I look at myself in the mirror. This would look horrible on me.
With a sigh I strip from my clothes, hesitant to even try it on. I slip on the material.

I look up in the mirror and feel disgusted. All of the cuts and burns from my father completely noticeable. Discarding the set from me I slip on my clothes again and find Massima by some nylon stockings.

"Well... how did it fit?" She asked putting back a pair. "It's not for me." She looks at me with a somewhat disappointed look.

"Oh." Is all she said and I walked away to put it back. I can't believe I even thought I would look good in something like that.

We left the store, me empty handed and massima with an extra bag now.

"Finally, I'm hungry. What do you say about some food?" She asked and I look up from the ground. "Im not hungry right now." I wasn't lying, I'm actually not hungry.

"Are you sure? Because your going to live this pizza place." I shook my head and we left the mall heading to a small pizzeria.

As massima ate, we just sat and talked the whole time. I did get a little plate of fries but that's it.

"What do you think of Gio? I know you were forced into this and all." Massima commented swallowing a bite of food.

"I haven't really had the chance to talk to him since I've been here. Plus I'm not good at talking to people." I replied playing with the simple ring on my hand.

"Really? You've been living with him for almost a month and are to be married in 3 days and you've still barely talked?" Her shock was very evident as she spoke.
"Wouldn't that be normal for people who don't even want to be married?"

"That's true I guess. I'll talk to him." My face went pale.

"Please don't, I'd rather not cause a problem." I groaned and she just laughed.

We paid for the food and arrived back at the house. She said she couldn't stay so that left me alone.

I entire the dark mansion, still not familiar with my surroundings. I don't even take my shoes of just taking them to my room with me.

It's uncomfortably silent. The silence you would endure when you alone after watching a scary movie. Except I hadn't watched a movie but was more like living in it.

"Why are you back so late?" A deep voice sounds from the hall. I jump so hard it felt like I was going to have a heart attack.

"Oh my gosh." I breath, "I'm sorry, we didn't think we'd be out so long." I apologize and the dim light turns on and Giovanni is standing there shirtless, with just sweatpants on.

I felt tingles in my body as I analyzed his figure. He had very defined abs and a perfect slim waist and his v-line was prominent.

I felt like I was drooling, but I didn't care because I body like that was worth drooling over.

"See something you like?" He interrupts and I shake my head, "No." I dismiss is interpretations.

Just a couple hours ago he was telling me to get out of his office and now he's teasing me and talking to me as if it's normal. It most certainly is not.

He sees the lack of bags in my hand. With a shake of his head he calmly walks away with his hands in his pockets. I take note to how his back muscle ripple when he walks with power. He has such a big frame that could tower me.

God I'm such a weirdo.

I make it to my room almost safe and sound and kick my shoes off finally. I set the bags by my bed and pull out the book I got from the store. It's a new addition to my favorite authors collection.

It's about a girl who is fresh out of college and meets two guys who she thinks just want to annoy her but she soon finds out that they both want her. What a fucking fairytale.

I take a simple shower and change into a fresh pair of underwear and baggy t-shirt slipping into my soft bed and indulge into the depths of the fantastic book.

I apologize sincerely about my lack of posting. It's been a very busy week and I haven't had enough time and privacy to post. I will try a lot harder to update.

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter——>

Also don't be afraid to vote it would mean the world to me.

Love ya munchies ♥️♥️

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