Chapter 31

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Saturday night.

Gu Yang and Fan Yuan arrived at the hot pot restaurant they had arranged with Pan Fei as promised, both of them had taken off their school uniforms and were wearing the same casual clothes, even the color was the same.

When they arrived at the door, Gu Yang took out his cell phone and called Pan Fei.

Since Fan Yuan’s mobile phone fell from the roof last time, Fan Yuan had not bought a new mobile phone.

Gu Yang mentioned it, but Fan Yuan showed an indifferent attitude.

Usually, if there was anything that required contacting someone, they always used Gu Yang’s mobile phone.

Gu Yang thought about giving Fan Yuan a mobile phone, but Fan Yuan stopped him in the end. When Gu Yang thought that everyone would call him if they wanted to find Fan Yuan, Gu Yang felt quite happy, so he let Fan Yuan go.

After hanging up the phone, Pan Fei quickly ran out and took the two of them to the private room.

As soon as they entered the private room, Gu Yang was so shocked that he didn’t dare to move.

Around the big roundtable in the private room, a circle of girls looked at them excitedly.

Some were from their class, and some were from other classes, but most of them were unknown to Gu Yang.

Seeing Fan Yuan and Gu Yang come in at this time, they all turned their heads to look at them.

Gu Yang couldn’t help but tighten his grip on Fan Yuan’s sleeves, and hid behind Fan Yuan:

“There are quite a lot of people…”

Pan Fei was a little embarrassed, her cheeks were a little red.

These little sisters were all from her small group. After hearing that Fan Yuan and Gu Yang were coming for Pan Fei’s birthday, those who had time and those who didn’t, frantically squeezed out time to celebrate her birthday with her.

Seeing these little girls, Fan Yuan was still very calm, and first gave out the gifts he and Gu Yang had prepared.

It was a bracelet and a digital screen.

The digital screen was Gu Yang’s idea, he thought that Pan Fei liked to draw.

Pan Fei was even happier when she received the gift, and she kept assuring the two of them that she would make good use of this digital screen for drawing.

That excited gaze made Gu Yang feel a little uncomfortable.

Before starting to eat, Gu Yang went to the back kitchen of the hotpot restaurant, and came back after carefully asking if there were any peanuts in the bottom of the pot.

As soon as he came back, he specially brought a bowl of dipping sauce that he made himself, relatively light, without peanuts, and put it in front of Fan Yuan, while in front of him was a bowl of dipping sauce that couldn’t be redder.

Fan Yuan was severely allergic to peanuts, it didn’t take much, one bite could put him in the hospital.

Gu Yang pushed the dipping material in front of Fan Yuan, with a look of asking for credit.

Fan Yuan didn’t speak, but raised his hand to rest on the back of the chair behind Gu Yang.

Gu Yang leaned back and leaned his head sideways on Fan Yuan’s arm.

The room was quiet for a while, Gu Yang looked at the little girls suspiciously.

Pan Fei immediately stood up to liven up the atmosphere, and patted the shoulders of the two little sisters beside her, signaling them to pay attention, don’t look stupid and forget to speak.

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