Chapter 34

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Zhuo Wan’s guess was right, Fan Yuan and Gu Yang didn’t come to class until the afternoon.

The two of them had just walked in the door of the class and before they entered the classroom, Zhuo Wan, who had been guarding all morning, took them to the office, reprimanded them for nearly a lesson, and only let them go after they admitted their mistakes. Only then did she let them leave.

Gu Yang knocked on his brain, which was a little dazed by Zhuo Wan’s yelling. He grabbed Fan Yuan’s clothes corner with one hand and followed Fan Yuan to the classroom, yawning a little while walking, obviously he hadn’t slept enough.

To be able to sleep in a cage with Fan Yuan and huddle on a swing, no matter how long it was, it would not be enough for Gu Yang.

As soon as the two entered the classroom, Li Ziyan rushed over to tease Fan Yuan.

Meng Zhan followed closely, afraid that Li Ziyan’s thick mouth would say something that shouldn’t be said.

After a few words, Gu Yang went back to his seat. Last night, he had the most comfortable long sleep in recent times. Now lying on the table, he felt very lazy.

As soon as Gu Yang entered, Pan Fei noticed the new earrings on both ears.

And Gu Yang’s earlobe was still a little red and swollen at this time, obviously the piercing had just been done.

Pan Fei turned around and spoke to Gu Yang:

“Pierced ears? The studs are beautiful!”

Hearing Pan Fei praise him, Gu Yang happily raised his head and turned around to show Pan Fei his new earrings.

“Really? I think it looks good too!”

Pan Fei nodded again and again, blowing a lot of rainbow farts on Gu Yang, a variety of exaggerations. After making Gu Yang be high-spirited, she then changed the subject:

“Gu Yang, can I take a photo of you? You look so pretty with these earrings on, can I take a photo as a souvenir, and I’ll send you a copy after I take the photo?”

Gu Yang nodded happily: “Okay, come on.”

As he spoke, he pinned his long hair behind his ears because he hadn’t trimmed it recently, revealing the delicate earrings on both sides.

He propped his chin with one hand, and looked at the camera from the bottom up. The whole person looked lazy, an inexplicable aggressive beauty.

Pan Fei changed several angles and took several photos in a row, then picked out the best one and sent it to Gu Yang, then turned around and sent the photo to their little sister group.

“Important announcement! Gu Yang is wearing ear studs! Come and see if there are any new discoveries!”

“Here I come! Let me see, this is Freesia! But why is the edge of the petals a little red, as if stained with blood!”

“It’s still surrounded by thorns, hey, why does it have an inexplicable stimulating and forbidden smell!”

“Are the sisters in front blind! These are two English letters! FY! It’s so obvious yet you didn’t see it!”

“FY? What do you mean?”

“Fan Yuan??? Sh*t!!!”

The following string of exclamation marks followed closely, words can no longer express the excitement in their hearts.

Gu Yang didn’t know about this, he was still playing with the photos sent by Pan Fei, looking at himself with earrings. He was a little narcissistic for a while, thinking that he looked good no matter what.

Overturning the Male God DailyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora