Chapter 97

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The bus stop was still some distance away from their home, so after getting off the bus, they needed to walk for a while to reach the small villa.

The lighting in the nearby villa area was good, so they didn’t have to worry about the road being too dark on their way back.

As soon as Gu Yang got off the bus, he felt uncomfortable with the wetness inside his shoes. He decided to take them off and walked barefoot on the road, leaning on Fan Yuan’s arm for support.

Fan Yuan frowned slightly, looking at the road.

Gu Yang knew what he was worried about. He raised his fair foot and splashed the accumulated puddles, sending water droplets flying and reflecting the light under the streetlamp.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful,” Gu Yang reassured.

With that, Gu Yang took a big step forward, preparing to step on another small puddle, but found that it had frozen into ice.

After that, no matter where Gu Yang stepped, a thin layer of ice quickly formed under his feet.

Even though Gu Yang had given assurance, Fan Yuan still worried that there might be sharp objects on the road that could cut Gu Yang’s feet.

Gu Yang’s original plan to play with the water failed, but he wasn’t disappointed. Instead, he slid along the ice that Fan Yuan had created, playing happily all the way, and even threw away one of his shoes.

Fan Yuan followed slowly behind Gu Yang, bending down to pick up the shoes he had thrown.

Seeing this, Gu Yang threw away his other shoe as well, standing barefoot on the ice. He stuck his tongue out at Fan Yuan, mischievously made a face, and then ran away. He slid forward along the ice, having so much fun.

Although there were not many people passing by in this small villa area at night, it wasn’t completely deserted. Despite their carefree play on the frozen ice road, Gu Yang didn’t worry at all.

He looked back at Fan Yuan, who was holding both of his shoes, and noticed that countless small, winding ice trails spread out behind Fan Yuan. These ice trails seemed to be exploring, allowing Fan Yuan to know what was happening nearby.

If anyone happened to pass by, the ice road Gu Yang was sliding on would instantly melt and disappear.

Fan Yuan always prepared everything, but he never told Gu Yang exactly what he did.

But Gu Yang understood Fan Yuan; he knew what Fan Yuan did for him even without him saying anything. Because he knew Fan Yuan’s heart.

Gu Yang slid all the way back to the small villa. As soon as he entered the house, Fan Yuan immediately pushed him into the bathroom, telling him to take off his wet clothes and take a hot shower.

Even though Gu Yang wasn’t feeling cold at the moment, Fan Yuan’s concern for him didn’t diminish.

After the first rain in spring, it seemed to signal a continuous rainy season in the following days.

With each rain, the weather became hotter.

The rooms after the rain were always stuffy, so Gu Yang simply pulled Fan Yuan to move their study battlefield to the poolside of the small villa.

The temperature near the pool was much cooler. They turned on the bright lights around the pool and sat at the table, studying.

After completing one page of questions, Gu Yang looked up at Fan Yuan.

Fan Yuan was concentrating on solving the problems, his dark lashes lowered, casting a shadow on his face.

Feeling Gu Yang’s gaze, Fan Yuan looked up and asked, “Why did you stop writing?”

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