Chapter 45

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Gu Yang was stripped clean by Fan Yuan again and thrown into the bed. He just did something bad, so he didn’t dare to say that he didn’t have any clothes on. His two short legs were tightly clamped, and he was quite shy next to Fan Yuan’s neck, his two hands hugging one of his fingers.

Fan Yuan would occasionally move his fingertips to rub Gu Yang’s cheeks, or rub Gu Yang’s head, telling him to sleep quickly.

Gu Yang was indeed exhausted, and fell asleep together with Fan Yuan in the light fragrance of flowers in the room.

After falling asleep, Gu Yang had a very bold dream.

In the dream, he controlled countless green flower stems and tied Fan Yuan up, doing whatever he wanted, Fan Yuan couldn’t break free at all, he could only beg him for mercy with flushed cheeks.

In the early morning, Gu Yang turned over comfortably, slowly opened his eyes, looked at the roof covered with flowers, and was not completely awake for a while.

Fan Yuan’s voice came from the side:


Gu Yang nodded, turned over again, rubbed his warm cheeks vigorously on the quilt, and stretched comfortably.

“Untie me since you’re awake.”

Gu Yang stopped rubbing the quilt, and sat up with his messy hair, feeling a little dazed.


Untie what?

He turned his head to look to the side, and immediately backed away uncontrollably.

He saw that half of the quilt on Fan Yuan’s body had been lifted and fell to the ground. Not only his limbs, but several green flower stalks were climbing up his whole body.

Some flower stems even climbed into Fan Yuan’s clothes too much. This scene was similar to the picture in Gu Yang’s dream.

Gu Yang opened his mouth slightly in surprise, could it be that he unconsciously controlled these flower stems to wrap around Fan Yuan in his sleep?

Fan Yuan tilted his head slightly, looked at Gu Yang with black eyes, and raised his eyebrows seeing that Gu Yang was just surprised but didn’t move.

“Not untying me yet?”

Gu Yang quickly waved his hand, and the flower stalks retreated one after another, revealing Fan Yuan’s slightly flushed skin wrapped around the flower stalks.

This scene was so similar to the one in the dream, the only difference was that Fan Yuan’s face was still calm, not as red as in Gu Yang’s dream.

Fan Yuan sat up, turned his wrist and neck, and then grabbed the stiff Gu Yang and held him in his hand.

Gu Yang shifted uncomfortably, moving his two short legs and tightly hugging himself. He placed his hands on the edge of Fan Yuan’s fingers, letting himself be pulled closer to him.

“Dream?” Fan Yuan asked him.

Gu Yang lowered his head, only showing his messy head and red little ears to Fan Yuan, and nodding his head gently only after half a second.

Fan Yuan moved Gu Yang closer, and blew on Gu Yang’s messy little head, and Gu Yang immediately raised his hand to stroke his blown hair.

“What did you dream about?” Fan Yuan asked again.

Gu Yang’s little hand froze. He slowly put it down, covering his face, refusing to speak.

Fan Yuan didn’t intend to let him go. He let go of his hand and let Gu Yang sit in his palm.

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