Chapter 55

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After Little Miao left, life in the small villa returned to normal. During the day, Fan Yuan would appear as a teenager around thirteen or fourteen years old. Gu Yang suggested goingout to play, but Fan Yuan didn’t agree.

In addition, Gu Yang found that Fan Yuan’s favorability towards him had not increased over the past few days. No matter what he did, Fan Yuan’s favorability remained at 30 points. For most people, that score was already enough for a couple to be together.

At night, Gu Yang sat on the edge of the bed, playing with his phone and sighing. Suddenly, the bedside lamp was turned off and Fan Yuan took away his phone.

“Stop playing and go to sleep.”

Even during winter vacation, Fan Yuan’s biological clock was still terrifyingly accurate, and he was very strict with Gu Yang. As long as Fan Yuan was ready to sleep, he would not allow Gu Yang to stay up late and play with his phone.

Gu Yang snuggled up next to Fan Yuan, staring blankly at the favorability points on his left palm. These points not only concerned their relationship, but also his own life.

He turned over and placed his hand into Fan Yuan’s embrace. He had to do something and not just wait for death like before!

The next day, Gu Yang woke up early with something on his mind. He wanted to get up early, but didn’t want to disturb Fan Yuan. He had not slept well all night and opened his eyes as soon as the sun rose.

Gu Yang carefully slid out of bed and walked out, quietly closing the door behind him. As soon as he left the room, his steps became brisk. He went to the guest bathroom to wash up, then ran downstairs to make breakfast for Fan Yuan.

Usually, Fan Yuan would make their meals, with the occasional takeout. Gu Yang would help out with washing dishes, but had never made breakfast by himself. However, he had seen Fan Yuan make breakfast many times and had some common sense.

He didn’t want to make anything too complicated, just some congee, fried eggs, and toast. He placed the magic mirror on the counter and asked while washing the rice:

“Magic mirror, magic mirror, do you think Fan Yuan will like the breakfast I make?”

The magic mirror didn’t answer, but Gu Yang didn’t pay much attention to it.

He quickly washed the rice and started cooking the porridge. The toasting of the bread slices went smoothly, but he ran into trouble when frying the eggs.

Fan Yuan liked his eggs slightly runny, but Gu Yang ended up frying three eggs either too well-done or accidentally breaking the yolks. Gu Yang ate all the ruined eggs, which made him feel sick.

“Magic mirror, I never want to eat fried eggs again. Will Fan Yuan even like the breakfast I made? If he doesn’t, then I’ve just wasted all these eggs.”

The mirror flashed, and this time it answered Gu Yang’s question:

“He will.”

Gu Yang smiled and put the perfectly cooked egg he had finally managed to fry onto a plate. Checking the time, he saw that there were still a few minutes until Fan Yuan usually woke up, so he quickly ran upstairs.

In the bedroom, Fan Yuan was lying on his side facing away from the door, breathing peacefully.

Gu Yang approached quietly and stuck his icy hand into Fan Yuan’s neck to startle him. But as soon as he did, Fan Yuan grabbed his hand.

Fan Yuan turned around, his black eyes clear and awake for some time already.

Gu Yang tried to pull his hand back, but Fan Yuan held on.

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