Chapter 65

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They were a group of six people, divided into two taxis, heading to the KTV owned by Meng Zhan’s brother.

Meng Zhan accompanied the two girls in one car, while Li Ziyan, Fan Yuan, and Gu Yang sat in the other car. Li Ziyan usually sat in the back seat and also since Fan Yuan was their class leader, he instinctively wanted to give the front seat to Fan Yuan. However, as he held the handle of the rear door, he suddenly let go and turned to get into the front passenger seat.

After getting in, he turned to see Fan Yuan helping Gu Yang open the door and holding it to let Gu Yang get in, before walking to the other side to open the door and get in himself. When Gu Yang sat in the car, Fan Yuan moved to the middle and leaned his shoulder against Gu Yang’s.

The KTV owned by Meng Zhan’s brother was a bit far from the amusement park, so the car was quiet for a while. Li Ziyan couldn’t help but secretly observe Fan Yuan and Gu Yang sitting in the back through the rearview mirror. They occasionally exchanged glances and said a few meaningless words, but mostly remained silent.

Although the two of them did not hold hands or make any intimate gestures, sitting shoulder to shoulder, they emitted an intimate atmosphere that no one else could interfere with.

Li Ziyan was no longer the same person he used to be, who couldn’t understand anything. Under the guidance of Meng Zhan, he had a vague understanding of the relationship between the two.

Suddenly, Fan Yuan’s black eyes met Li Ziyan’s through the rearview mirror. Only Fan Yuan’s eyes could be seen in the mirror, calm and deep, but it startled Li Ziyan, who quickly looked away and avoided looking back at the mirror.

The journey was long, and Gu Yang was a little bored. He slowly leaned his head on Fan Yuan’s shoulder, and his hand that was placed on his lap also slowly slipped into Fan Yuan’s hand. His fingers curled up in Fan Yuan’s palm, and one by one, they lifted up and grazed against Fan Yuan’s palm, teasing him.

Fan Yuan looked down at Gu Yang’s hand and simply opened his five fingers, interlocking them with Gu Yang’s five fingers and holding them tightly.

Gu Yang’s lips curled up, and the rabbit tail behind him swayed, lifting up his coat and making a special friction sound against the leather seat.

Fan Yuan tightened his grip on Gu Yang’s hand and warned him softly, “Don’t move.”

Gu Yang simply rubbed his head against Fan Yuan’s chin, lifted his head and whispered in Fan Yuan’s ear, “It’s all your fault. My back is still a little damp.”

Fan Yuan’s lips also curled up a bit, and he continued to close the distance between him and Gu Yang, whispering like Gu Yang did, “Do you need me to wipe it off for you when we get there?”

Gu Yang’s eyes lit up, nodding vigorously. “You said it! You can’t go back on your word!”

Looking at Gu Yang’s unreservedly triumphant expression, Fan Yuan couldn’t help but reach out and tap Gu Yang’s nose.

This intimate gesture seemed to be more provocative than kissing directly. Gu Yang was stunned for a moment, and his nose followed Fan Yuan’s hand as it moved away, rubbing against it with his eyes narrowed, like a little rabbit begging for his master’s affection.

As the scenery outside the car window kept passing by, Gu Yang continued speaking.

“In fact, the Ferris wheel is not that high. When I grow wings in the future, I’ll take you to even higher places,” said Gu Yang.

Fan Yuan slowly reached his fingertips into the edge of Gu Yang’s hat and touched the warm rabbit ears that had been pressed inside the hat.

“Why do we need to fly so high?” asked Fan Yuan.

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