Chapter Four: Price for the Cure

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I was out of the house before Alaric could talk me out of it right when Stefan showed up with Elena and her friends. Being on the mission, I barely acknowledged their presence.

"Evangeline, where are you going?" Elena asked taking on the task of pronouncing my mouthful of a name.

I sighed and paused keeping my hand on the messenger side door handle, "I'm going to speak with Klaus to get the cure"

Stefan spoke this time, "No you're not"

"Remember I'm your older sister Stef and you know how I feel when people try control my actions" I spoke calmly but it felt like a ticking time bomb was attached to my anger that would go off if they didn't let me go and try to save my older brother.

"It's not safe Evan—if you don't mind me calling you that" Caroline offered.

Sighing again, I turned my attention to her, "I prefer it actually and the entire world isn't safe yet here we are"

Bonnie was about to speak but I continued, "Look, I've spoken with Niklaus before and he was nice enough believe it or not so maybe I can reason with him"

"His niceness is a façade" Bonnie sneered.

"It may be but I don't care, I'm saving my brother. I just got him back and I'm not losing him"

"I'm coming with you" Stefan and Elena said.

I frowned and opened my car door shaking my head, "No you're not, the both of you are going in there and comforting Damon. I'll try to be back as soon as possible"

Before either could protest, I got in my car and in an instant I was pulling off and zooming towards the Sunnydale Apartment building.

I sped into the lobby at human speed and asked for the room number that the handsome man with blonde curls. The person working at the desk was a woman who couldn't be much younger than thirty five who gave me snarky look.

"Why would you like to know?" She snapped as if he were hers or something.

I rolled my eyes at her jealousy and tried again, "Give me the room number before I slit your throat"

I compelled her that time so she quickly said 42B and I sped off.

I knocked on the door as soon as I reached it with my vampire speed. Soon enough, it opened up revealing the man with the blonde curls and daring blue eyes I'd been looking for. He held a glass and a smirk as he realized who I was.

"Evangeline, have you come to finish your story?" I ignored the stomach swirls his accent gave me and gave him a sad shake of the head as he led me to a new leather couch in the middle of the room.

"I'm afraid now is not the time Niklaus, something terrible has happened" I said, looking at him distraught as we sat.

He took a sip of his wine keeping his eyes on me, "And what is this tragedy you speak of?"

"Damon has been bitten by a werewolf" The tears began to swell up in my eyes again.

Much to my displeasure, the hybrid smirked, "Has he now?

"Yes" I said through a cracked voice.

I was seconds from falling apart, it was worse than when I saw my father drive a sword through both of my brothers.

Niklaus cocked an eyebrow and I could practically see the gears moving in his head, "And what makes you think I'd be able to help him?"

"Because you're over one thousand years old and my only choice"

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