Chapter Thirteen: Bring Me Back

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Anastasia is in the media above 


We returned to Gloria's only to find the place completely empty with no trace of the white haired witch at all. The tables were bare, shelves were empty, and the signs were taken down. Gloria had cleared the place out completely.

Klaus growled beside me before turning around and marching out.

"Shit" I mumbled hurrying after him out of the place.

I reached the car just as he punched the back door leaving a nasty dent. He didn't yell surprisingly but I could tell he was fuming. Rebekah and Stefan were back at the unit so I was the only one who had to deal with him.

Getting on my toes a bit, I placed a hand on each of his shoulders, "Nik, calm down getting angry and destroying things won't fix or change anything."

He looked down at me, biting his bottom lip, still breathing angrily but slowly began to calm down. His eyes stopped darkening and his brows relaxed until he finally was calmer. It never ceased to surprise me when I'm able to calm him down, honestly.

Once we got back to the storage unit, Klaus marched in barely taking the key out of the ignition. I had to again chase after him and his stupid long legs.

Entering just in time, I heard Rebekah speak, "He was asking me about Mikael, he's not with us Nik"

From behind Klaus, I watched as my brother went wide eyed "Wait, Klaus—"

Before I could even utter a word, Klaus charged at him and snapped his neck.

I gasped as my brother fell to the floor, feeling tears coming on almost immediately, "Klaus, what the hell?! Why would you even—"

My neck was grabbed once again and I was pushed against a wall but that time it was by Rebekah.

I took in a strangled breath as her grip crushed my airway, "I bet she's in on it too, Nik"

The blonde Mikaelson sneered at me, baring her razor sharp fangs with bloodred eyes.

"N-N-N...o" I struggled to speak as my air was completely cut off and my skin began heating up.

Klaus walked over to us and watched me being strangled by his sister with narrowed eyes. The two siblings were looking at me like I was some sort of impostor while I had no idea what was actually going on.

My skin's temperature was rising quickly and luckily Rebekah wasn't used to the heat, so when my skin reached a couple hundred degrees, she cursed and dropped me onto the floor.

"BITCH!" She yelled slamming her foot hard into my ribs from my fetal position.

I yelled out but it sounding more like a roar as the feeling of heat began to rise in my gut again. I could feel my eyes burning as they changed colors and began to glow as the only blonde Mikaelson siblings looked down at me.

"Careful Bekah, this one's a spitfire" Klaus smirked, watching me cringing and sweating uncontrollably as smoke poured out of my nostrils.

In one swift motion, he pulled me up by my hair leading me to let out a strangled scream as I tried to keep the smoke from pouring out of my mouth.

The hybrid studied me with maniacal blue eyes, "You see, if you get her worked up enough, she breathes's quite amazing...too bad she's a bastard like her brothers"

Tears fell from my eyes as he wrenched my jaw open letting out all the smoke I had been trying to swallow before he broke it causing me to scream. My stomach burned terribly as flames emitted from my mouth and Klaus directed them exactly onto my brother's temporarily dead corpse. I was crying uncontrollably by then, feeling pain on every inch of my body as my jaw failed to heal.

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