Chapter Seventeen: Ties That Bind

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I promise she's not going to die again for at least five more chapters.

Evangeline Salvatore

That last thing I had ever expected to happen upon being brought back to life by Niklaus Mikaelson only to be fed on by Niklaus Mikaelson is to moan. Not a moan from pain but actual pleasure from being fed on! Being killed a second time had to have made me lose part of my sanity because that was just absurd. When I got a moan in response from the blonde man, I realized how insane it all was and what was actually happening.

"K-Klaus...get off!" I tried to sputter as the blood was drained from me as I was trying to regain my strength, which was pretty hard to do when it felt like the life was being sucked back out of me.

The strange thing was having fight against the euphoric pleasure I felt from his actions. It didn't seem right that his feeding from me felt so amazing but it did, if I had had all of my strength, I probably would've begged him not to stop. The feel of his soft lips against my neck and the latching of my teeth felt like heaven, hopefully just because I was just being brought back to life. I tried to pull him off of me by his hair but another wave of pleasure rippled through me and I ended up clenching his blonde locks as I fought off a moan. If anyone were to be listening outside of the door, it would've seemed like he was making love to me. I began seeing blurs of grey as he continued on and I lost the words to ask him to stop. With every gulp in took in, he let out a guttural growl of pleasure that shook my bones. My body was trembling and my nerves had gone static until finally—

"NIKLAUS!" I cried, my back arched completely from the bed and I shivered as he finally pulled away with my blood dripping off of his pursed lips and down his chin.

Collapsing onto the bed, I let out a shaky sigh and stared at the ceiling of the canopy bed, letting what had just happened sink in. He had just given me...but how? Why? Did he know what he was doing?

The blonde hybrid disappeared into the bathroom and I sat up holding my neck. I pulled my hand away and gasped when I saw barely any blood. Immediately, I shot off the bed and towards the rectangular vanity mirror. Alas, the wound was healing rapidly, my hair looked livelier, my skin was practically glowing, and all of my wounds from him taking my life the second time were gone. But wait—

My eyes locked onto the gorgeous necklace that I wore. It was covered in diamonds with a repeating circular pattern all across it with a bit of my blood on a couple diamonds. Where had the gorgeous piece of jewelry come from?

I looked from the necklace to the door and immediately went to escape only to hit a barrier as if I hadn't been invited to come into the hallway outside of the room.

"What the hell?" I murmured, trying to put my hand through the doorway, only for it to hit an invisible barrier.

In the midst of my confusion, I hadn't realized that Niklaus had left the bathroom.

"Works like a charm" His accent filled my ears and immediately agitated me.

I quickly spun around to face him with narrowed eyes, "You didn't seriously put a barrier on the room to keep me in here, Klaus"

He gave me a smug, dimpled smile, "Actually I put a voice activated barrier on it Dear Angel, if I allow you to leave the room, you may but all exits from the house are off limits"

Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair, completely not surprised by his actions. Niklaus was devious and conniving enough to do something of the sort so I honestly wasn't surprised by his actions. He was going to stop at nothing to have his way. I should've been pissed at him for killing me again and feeding on me but I didn't. I felt drained and I knew that yelling in his face the way I had would've come with consequences, I just wished I had been able to breathe fire in his face before I'd died so he could've looked like the literal walking dead while I was deceased.

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