Chapter Six: Evangeline's Story

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Here's a long (well I think it's long but I can't really tell) one for you guys. Also I wanted to say, THANK YOU SO MUCH for voting, adding, or even reading this story, it means a lot to me.
P.S. I don't own Vampire Diaries or any of the characters but if I do become rich or something I might just try to buy Klaus.
"I need to make a call" I murmured to Niklaus as we came to motel with Ray still passed out in the backseat. Since he was very weak from the wolfsbane, Klaus informed me he'd be out for at least a two days.

The blonde Hybrid looked at me as if I pegged him for an idiot but said nothing as he picked up the unconscious werewolf and began walking towards the room he reserved.

I quickly caught up to him, "I'm not talking about my brothers, I need to contact someone else, it's really important and will do no harm to your plans-listen to my heartbeat, I'm not lying"

Still ignoring me, Klaus walked into one of the rooms and discarded Ray's body before returning and giving me a look through narrow eyes.

"Who is it you wish to contact?" He asked sitting on a couch while I still stood helplessly.

"My grandmother" I muttered, knowing the mere statement would spark questions from the Original.

Niklaus was the last person I wanted to tell about my hidden side but I knew I needed to gain his trust and I couldn't lie. My life depended on it.

The Original looked interested yet confused, "Shouldn't all of your relatives be deceased, love? I'm not aware of any living Salvatore's other than you and your brothers"

Sighing, I sat in a chair across from him, "She's not related to my brothers, she's my biological father's mother"

This only piqued the man's interest, "My, my you have quite the story to tell me"

"And I'll tell you every last bit just please let me speak with her" A bit of my Latin accent slipped out with my statement which drew the Original in further but he dug my phone out of his pocket and handed it to me.

"No more than forty-five minutes" I nodded gratefully and disappeared into the bathroom before I dialed her number.

The phone rang four times before I heard a voice, "Hello, who is this?"

"Nana its Catalina" I murmured letting my full accent slip out, my grandmother referred to me as Catalina, my middle name, because I was told my father gave it to me.

I never actually really hid my accent but I'd grown accustomed to using an American one around others. I only gave in to it when I spoke to my grandmother whom I called Nana, but pronounced it as Nah-nah.

She gasped, "Lina, it's been too long, how have you been?"

"I'm okay" I squeaked biting back tears, "But Nana something has gone wrong"

"What is it darling?" Her voice sounded raspier than ever, I knew she was getting worried.

"Compulsion stopped working on me after three times like..."

"My kind" she finished sounding not-so-surprised, "I was afraid this was going to happen"

"What was going to happen? Nana, what are you not telling me?"

"You've found your mate Catalina" My blood ran cold.

"M-my what?" I sputtered stumbling onto the closed toilet seat as I tried to grasp what she'd just said to me.

My grandmother sighed, "Soul mates exist in every shape shifting species and you have found yours"

"How do you know?" I asked in disbelief.

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