Chapter Eight: Tornado

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Hey guys! It's been a little while but I'm back and oh my lord was I surprised when I checked on my baby. OVER 700 READS! I literally died, thank you guys so much! I can't explain or put into words how happy and lucky I am that you've taken your time to read this. Also, thank you for each and every vote and every comment, I read each one most definitely. This is a bit of a filler because I really wanted this scene before Chicago and if I added Chicago to this it would be like two thousand words too many but do look for the next chapter some time this week! Without further ado, I give you....TORNADO....


When we returned to the hotel room, Klaus threw a grade-A tantrum. It was the kind of tantrum where one turns into a mini tornado and everything in their path is destroyed. I planned on leaving a few hundreds for the maids because of it.

Clothes were being thrown out of suitcases (only his thankfully), chairs were broken, walls were punched, the whole nine yards. I didn't really know how to react to him being in that state. If I yelled for him to stop, would he lash out on me? If I tried to physically stop him, would I end up losing a limb?

His eyes were glowing yellow, black veins were prominent under his eyes, and his fangs were out yet I still kind of found him...beautiful.

I snapped back into reality when he picked up our last bottle of unopened Champagne and was about to launch towards the wall.

"Klaus! Stop! Just stop it; you're acting like a sixteenth of your age so stop!" The power behind my voice astonished the both of us but he lowered his arm and turned to look at me.

Quickly, I grabbed the liquid stars from his hand and set the bottle on the table before forcing him to sit down as I stood in front of him. For once, I felt like the powerful one between the two of us.

Tears were in his golden eyes but they never spilled over, "Your eyes" He murmured looking astonished as he stared deeply into my eyes.

Aside from them burning a bit, I didn't understand what he was talking about. I wasn't crying was I? Because seriously, I would feel like a fool after my whole yell thing.

"They're red and orange" He whispered standing in half a second before lifting my chin and studying them, "Vibrant, alluring, fiery"

Frowning, I tried to wiggle my face out of his grasp to no avail.

"Th-that doesn't make're seeing things"

He ticked an eyebrow and just looked at me, "You don't even believe what you just said. Look for yourself"

As soon as he let me go, I sped to the slightly destroyed bathroom and looked towards the mirror feeling my heartbeat spike at the sight before me. Sure enough the veins under my eyes were black but instead of the usual blood red, there was the color of fire in my eyes.

"This can't be happening" I murmured watching in horror as my fangs protruded but my canines were sharper than usual and my ears were becoming pointed at the top.

Stop, stop, stop, STOP!

Hyperventilating, I began blinking continuously while trying to steady my heartbeat enough to stop myself from fully forming. My chest began to sting badly but I felt myself going back to normal. The veins disappeared, my ears were back to their normal shape, my fangs retracted, and finally my eyes were back to a pale green.

Klaus was sitting, drinking from the champagne bottle, eyeing his mess when I returned.

His gaze never left me as I sat across him on the least destroyed couch and reached over to grab the bottle of alcohol from him for the second time.

Devil May Love |  Niklaus MikaelsonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя