Chapter Twenty-Six: Transformation

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The temperature seemed to have dropped ten degrees as Evangeline left her car and approached the Salvatore Boardinghouse. She felt like she was going to regret going there she knew that Elena was going to be there and as much as she didn't wish to speak to her, much less beg for her help, her life literally depended on it. The hard part was going to be getting the doppelganger to speak to her alone.

Evan knew that if her brothers overheard her trying to convince her to help with another ritual, they would never allow her to participate. That was the only issue. The female Salvatore had a plan for everything else but that. But, on the bright side, there was no sign of Damon's car so she only had to deal with Stefan, much easier and much less opinionated and obnoxious about things.

Taking another deep breath, Evan raised her fist to knock only for the doppelganger to pull open to the door in that exact moment. Wide eyed, Evan quickly put a finger to her lips to get the doppelganger not to say a word, praying that the girl would listen. She didn't know if it was the puppy dog eyes she gave or Elena's being prone to doing things that the Salvatore brothers hated but the doppelganger nodded and Evan backed up so that she could close the door behind her.

Once they were a good enough distance from the home, Evan finally spoke.

"Look, I know you probably hate me for a lot of things but I wouldn't come here if it wasn't important" The curly brunette heard the girl's sporadic heartbeat and knew she needed to act fast.

The straight-haired girl sighed, "Look, whatever Klaus sent you about, I want nothing to do with it"

Evan felt slightly offended that the girl thought that Klaus used her as a puppet but she held her tongue because arguing about her superiority would just waste time.

"It's Bonnie's mom, right? You two are on the outs because she's a vampire from my brother's trying to save your life again"

The Gilbert looked appalled, "How the hell did you know that?"

"Connections" also known as Anastasia White, "It's a small town Elena, it's hard not to know what's going on around's Alaric too, isn't it? The history teacher with the ring problems"

Anastasia caught Evan up with what was going on with Elena and her Scooby gang was dealing with so that she knew what she was up again. The White witch also gave Evan her secret weapon that was going to hopefully stabilize the deal with Elena.

Elena rolled her eyes, "It's not that simple"

"I never said it was" Evan responded, "I just simply summarized it from the lack of time"

"You sound like him" Elena spat, sounding completely disgusted.

It was Evan's turn to roll her eyes, "No, I sound like myself, you're just trying to find a reason to dislike me"

"I don't need to find one, there's plenty" Elena snapped back, attempting to open the driver's door to her car but Evan stopped her.

"Elena, look" She began blocking the brunette from the door, "I know you don't like me because I'm with Klaus but you of all people should at least understand where I'm coming from even a little because he is my mate and you know that. He and I are literally prophesized to be together and again, you know that."

The Katerina-look-alike paused for a second, obviously irritated with the truth before rolling her eyes again, "Whatever, it doesn't make him less of a bad guy"

"And I'm not here to convince you that he isn't a bad guy Elena" Evan reminded.

"Then what are you here for?"

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