Chapter Thirty: Do Not Go Gentle

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The Mikaelson mansion was completely empty for the first time in months. Everyone was gone to the woods to begin the much anticipated ritual. Klaus and Evangeline had left together hand in hand squeezing with equal pressure as they came closer and closer to the area where their lives would initially change forever and—hopefully—for the better.

Once they arrived, Anastasia had already been there with Rebekah, who looked the least worried out of all of them. The blonde vampire greeted the mates but Evangeline couldn't help but feel like there had been something off about her. The Rebekah she thought she knew was never that calm and collected in nearly any situation that didn't involve trying to kill Elena. Rebekah always had doubts and was seemingly emotional unless she was being depended on or was one hundred percent behind something.

Now I'm just worrying myself, Evangeline thought with a sigh as she drew her attention from Rebekah, Rebekah is fine.

As Evangeline went over to help Anastasia, Klaus spotted the Quarterback coming into the clearing with Elena, who was already arguing with him about something, and rolled his eyes.

And the drama has arrived, The Original thought to himself.

"He's the human?" Evangeline asked her best friend who nodded and caused the Hybrid woman to sigh, "And you're here to what, make sure we don't taint Elena or kill her?"

The blue eyed blonde boy shifted uncomfortably but nodded, "It took a lot of convincing for your brothers not to show up today, I'm just here to keep an eye on her for them"

The female Salvatore refrained from rolling her eyes at his statement and saying, "Yeah and what are you going to do that'll be effective towards any of us if the time came?"

Instead, she said, "Great, well, I'm sure you all can leave once your part is done". Anastasia nodded in confirmation as the beautiful colors from the sunset completely vanished causing the mates to immediately make eye contact with one another.

Evangeline gasped internally as she saw her mate's eyes flash gold while Klaus grinned when he saw a flicker of fire in her eyes.

Last night, they had a very complex conversation that discussed their downfall during the ritual and came to a conclusion on how they were going to kill each other.

The thought was quite gruesome on its own but their decision was much worse.

Similar to Klaus's ritual, Anastasia drew rings to go around each part of the blood ritual that the human, vampire, and unus ignis would go into and be surrounded by fire. Elena had a designated spot too but there was no need for a ring of fire since she would be drawing her own blood, upon request. Klaus was left to the perimeter of the area seeing as he wouldn't be needed until after his mate finished her own ritual, which he didn't mind because that meant he could be alert for if her idiot brothers decided to appear and ruin things for their sister.

For once, Klaus wanted things to go through without conflict. He just wanted to finish the ritual and sacrifice then explore the world with Evangeline. It was the first time in a long while that he had a feeling as such and he had no plans for it to go to waste.

Anastasia lead Rebekah and Matt to their designated circles as Evangeline heard a rustling in the trees, snapping her head over immediately and spotting someone she had never seen before.

Standing before her was a young man, no older than his late twenties, with a caramel skin tone that matched her own and black shoulder-length hair that glided through the wind like that of a man from a romance novel. He was over six-feet tall wearing nothing but a pair of tan pants covered in the signature unus ignis insignia and two dragon tattoos wrapped around his huge biceps. The man had to be nearing three hundred pounds with the amount of muscle he had.

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