Chapter Nineteen: Family Above All

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Happy (Late) Thanksgiving!

When the door to Niklaus Mikaelson's room opened, Evangeline Salvatore did not move an inch. Her tears long gone, her sadness dissolved, she felt almost nothing. The man knew she was exhausted and her will to fight was hanging by a thread. She was broken. She felt useless. The man who was supposed to be by her side forever and nurture her, care for her like he cared for himself had, instead, gotten into her head and convinced her that even her family felt that she was replaceable.

Fortunately, another man had come along. He was her closest and best male friend who cared for her like a brother for the century and a half. He would not allow her to give up being the strong woman he knew she was because her prophesized soulmate took advantage of his role. She deserved happiness and he was about to grant it to her, finally.

"Lina" Elijah murmured, entering the room with great caution upon seeing his blank faced best friend, "I have good news"

The oldest Mikaelson breathing took a seat on the bed beside the Salvatore girl. He noticed that she had changed not only her clothing but the bed sheets. She was now clad in a long sleeved blood red thermal and black leggings with her unruly mane in its natural state and the bed sheets were no longer tinged and covered in charcoal. Elijah wasn't surprised by the change, Evangeline had always been a stress cleaner. If she didn't feel any balance in her emotions, she would try to bring it to life with pristine surroundings. Her methods didn't seem to work that time, though, because the hurt on her face was crystal clear.

The suit clad Mikaelson took the caramel skinned woman's hand in his, causing her to tear her gaze from the bed linen to his hard brown eyes.

"What is it, Elijah?" She finally asked, squeezing his hand gently but not pulling away from his touch. She missed his friendly touch too much to pull away.

The brown eyed Mikaelson smiled slightly, "We'll be having dinner with your brothers this evening"


To say that Klaus's words had not crossed Evangeline's mind when her brother's entered the mansion would have been a lie. The statement he said to her crossed her mind multiple times, which was why she had not spoken to the Original Hybrid since she punched him to the other night. But, she was not going to let the harsh words cripple her, no matter how true that could have possibly been.

Instead, Evangeline allowed herself to feel giddy when she heard Klaus speaking to her brothers, even if he sounded like a dick.

"Damon, Stefan, Elijah tells me you seek an audience...very bold...shall we discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men?"

Elijah filled Evangeline in on the terms of the impending dinner. Stefan and Damon had come to make a truce with the Mikaelson brothers to stop all the violent chaos. But, Evan knew her brothers and how stubborn they were, they were trying to distract Klaus from something and she had a feeling Elijah knew about it but refused to tell her. That just meant she'd have to figure it out on her own.

As her brothers went towards the small table beside Niklaus, she made her entrance.

"My brothers, in matching leather jackets, I never thought I'd see the day..." The smirking girl stole the attention of everyone in the room, even the line of compelled women who were playing as the 'audience'.

Her hair was slicked into a beautiful, clean cut curly bun and she wore one of Rebekah's blood red long sleeved dresses that fell to her knees that made her stand out in contrast with the four men dressed in black. The paleness to her skin and the dull covering of her green eyes were evident but she still looked breathtaking, at least to Klaus.

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