LXXX First Names - 2

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"Blaise!" I protested, "What are you doing? What will mother think?"

Blaise ignored me. Theo tugged my hand, leaning in so close that I could feel my breath on his cheek. "Let him do what he needs to do, Miss Auber."

I turned to face Theo, a blush rising to my cheeks as I realised he was close enough to kiss. "But -"

"Let him. He has loved her from afar for longer than you think. And even if he did not, he is a gentleman." Theo nodded in the direction of the awkward couple.

Blaise was still kneeling, but one hand was behind his head as he spoke earnestly to Miss Silverstar. "Even aside from my feelings, Mandy, your reputation -"

"My reputation, Blaise Auber? What about my reputation?" she responded.

"Ah, well, we have been unchaperoned for some time, and -"

"I am leaving the city," Miss Silverstar replied, frowning. "Likely the country."

"Ah." Blaise said. His expression, as he struggled to his feet, was quite forlorn. "I expect I have no hope, then," he said, chagrinned. "I apologise for -"

"I didn't say that," Miss Silverstar interrupted.

Blaise raised his eyes to meet hers.

"If – look, I don't know what the future will bring. But if we cross paths again, and you are still free – " She paused for along time; even I held my breath waiting. "If you are still free, then – yes?"

Theo let out a long breath of air as Blaise's face lit up with delight.

"Really? You've made me the absolute happiest -"

And Miss Silverstar grabbed Blaise's cheeks, and kissed him.

I rolled my eyes, and Theo jogged my arm with his elbow. "Come now, Miss Auber, it is extremely romantic, don't you think?"

He was leaning over me again, and I was surrounded by his scent, cinnamon and cardamom. I wondered if it were a soap, or if he had a deep love for pastries which had been reined in for my benefit during our interactions. It was fully dark now, and Theo's face was silhouetted against the dying lights on the fallen ship. I tried to discern his facial features in the dark, leaning in towards him, even closer. He remained turned towards me, leaning in himself, until, abruptly, Miss Silverstar pushed her way between us and on to the flivver, dragging Blaise by the hand behind her.

"Come on, Theo," she announced, "I need a ride."

Pascale Auber & the Ruritanian RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now