Chapter 9: Table tennis

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Theo used to attend the 3-4 table tennis classes and that place holds a few memories for me. 

It was conducted in a huge hall and that hall had a door which led out of the school. So, I would always pass through there so I could get one last glance at him before leaving. Those moments were so stupid and childish, but I can't the deny the fact that they hold a special place in my heart.

One time while I was passing through, I looked around and didn't find him. I was kinda disappointed but meh. I started walking towards the door on the opposite end while my friends were a few steps behind me.

I looked around once more and this time my eyes fell to the corner which I couldn't see from the entry door. He was standing right there; I don't know if he was looking at me, but he was facing me.

Till this day I have no idea why I did what I did but what happened, happened. I guess I felt flustered or something, but I bolted. Like, out of nowhere. Even my friends were so surprised they were yelling after me, but I didn't stop until I was out of there.

Another time it was quite late I guess and all the students who were in the class had already set up everything and were practicing until the coach came. My friends and I started to speed walk, not wanting to disturb anyone and I had already taken a glance at Theo, standing in a corner, waiting for his turn. (He's always standing in corners like a ghost. Jeez.)

But out of nowhere the small white ball came into my peripheral and I realized too late that it was headed towards me. Not like it would fatal or something, but it would be really embarrassing and that would be worse.

But thankfully some other guy whose face I didn't see hit it away from me. I don't remember if I thanked him or something, but I probably didn't because I already felt awkward enough. Later when we were out and standing near the bus stand, I asked my friends if Theo saw what had happened.

One said that he had a slight frown on his face while the other said that he slightly smirked, amused at the spectacle. I can only take their words with a grain of salt.

Now that I look back... I and my friends seemed to carefree and stupid I wish to go back to those times. Things have changed a lot since then honestly... 

Paulina had quite a difficult time with her first crush, (we now call him pigeon poop) and this bitch who also had a crush on him and had something going on with him and yet acted all so innocent while she listened to Paulina talk about her problems with pigeon poop.

I do accept the possibility that maybe she felt awkward wanting to tell that and honestly, I guess that's how anyone would feel. But she didn't even try to hide it when Paulina said she has gotten over him and immediately announced about how happy they were together. She had the audacity to say she will take 'revenge' for how he treated Paulina and then continued to post some lovey dovey stories in her social media.

I don't exactly hate her, but I don't like her as well. I'm just wary of her and want nothing to do with her.

And on the other hand, Scarlett had found out that the guy she had a crush on had a girlfriend and as much as she pretended to not care anyone could see how hard she was trying to keep that nonchalant smile on her face. She wanted nothing to do with him anymore and we respected that choice of hers. Later she did move on from him and now she's definitely livelier (though she's still the same girl who doesn't want to show her feelings to anyone.)

But I guess things are looking up for each of us now in our own ways. No matter what happened in the past the three of us only focus on the good times because that's what actually matters.

That took a sentimental turn lol.

But anyways, I'll try to regularly update from now on because my holidays have started after all!! I would be more enthusiastic if only I hadn't fall sick right after returning from my native.


Immoral Goddess

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