The unsupervised games

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After leaving the humidified bus, you immediately felt flushed from the warm air that had surrounded you and stretched your back.

Looking around, you noticed the mountainous area you were in and pulled a face, feeling nostalgic to the situation you, kirishima, and mina were in last year.

Making eye contact with class B in front of you, you simply waved at them and turned around to face your teacher. Seeing him headcount every student, he brought up a list and beckoned for vlad King to bring them over to join you.

"Right shut up, I'm making this quick." Immediately, you felt the atmosphere drop and saw the serious look in aizawas eye.

"The purpose of this camp is not only to push you to your limits like the last two years but also to test your natural survival instincts." Turning around, you made eye contact with uraraka who had her hands together and was looking up to the sky; almost ad if she was praying for a good camp.

'Same girly same'

"For this camp, you will be split up into groups of 4, two people from class a and two from class b - you're not choosing by the way."

Hearing a collective groan from everyone around, you sighed at the camp ahead. Sure, you could get along with class B, but you weren't really close with them like the rest of your classmates.

"With your groups, you will need to survive outside for 4 days. You'll need to build your own shelters, make or find your own equipment, as well as food."

Now, this just seemed awfully familiar.

"Hands up if you've watched the hunger games..." With hands raising, you watched as he smirked at the crowd in front.

"So the majority...Well, that's good then. It will be basically that. At the start, there will be supplies scattered across the valley. Your team needs to be able to be stable and survive till the end- with no mudering of other students - of course, " You sweatdropped at his smile.

"Your teams will scavenge for not only supplies, but robots that'll have points associated with them. The top 3 teams will have an award granted to them when the game is over."

Cheers echoed around you, and you watched as a few high fived - excited for the challenge.

"But there's a catch."

You heard a pin drop.

"Teams are allowed to steal points from other teams, as well as supplies and even destroy their shelters. In order to win, you'll need to have every person remain in your group till the end as well."

"This means that you'll be allowed to take and keep hold of other team members as well. If you're injured, we will escort you out as necessary. If you purposefully injure someone for the sake of them being harmed, you will be escorted from the camp home. We'll give exceptions to the winners if one member is unable to make it injured. Do I make myself clear?" He looked up and muttered a 'good' watching heads nod.

"Questions?...yes ashido?"

"So what are we gonna do with our bags and phones and stuff?"

"We'll bring them to the hotel where you'll reside in till the challenge is over. No phones or devices are allowed."

Turning your head around, you watched as many people (like expected) had begun to panic from the lack of using a phone for 3-4 days, and you couldn't help but feel worried too.

"Right, so let's start with the groups. Group A: kirishima ejirou, sero hanta, sen kaibara and setsuna togake. Group B..."

You hoped that you were placed with bakugou, or maybe even mom, for the challenge. You worked well with him, and momos quirk was great for this situation.

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