Game on , Vihaan!

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I  sat back in my chair, watching the dynamic duo of Ved and Mayra work their magic

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I sat back in my chair, watching the dynamic duo of Ved and Mayra work their magic. Their banter and laughter filled the air, and I couldn't help but smile. They were like two peas in a pod, finishing each other's sentences and anticipating each other's moves. It was a beautiful thing to see, and I felt grateful to have them both in my life.

But as I watched Mayra, I couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. The Mayra I knew five years ago was shy and timid, unsure of herself and her place in the world. The Mayra before me now was a force to be reckoned with - confident, assertive, and deadly. She was Venom, the renowned assassin and hacker, and I had missed her transformation.

I had heard rumors, of course. Whispers of a mysterious figure, known only by their handle, who was taking the criminal underworld by storm. I had no idea it was Mayra, the same girl who used to blush at my jokes and hide behind her hair. The same girl who had once looked up to me as a mentor and a friend.

As I watched her work, I realized that I had underestimated her. I had thought she was just a shy, introverted girl who needed protection and guidance. But she was so much more than that. She was a powerhouse, a woman who had taken control of her life and her destiny. And I was proud of her, even though I felt a little left behind.

Ved and Veer had been there for her, supporting her and encouraging her every step of the way. They had seen the potential in her, even when I hadn't. And now, she was a legend in her own right, a woman who commanded respect and fear in equal measure.

I felt a twinge of regret, knowing that I had missed out on so much of her growth and development. But I was also grateful to have her back in my life, to see the woman she had become. And I knew that I would do everything in my power to support her, to be there for her, just as Ved and Veer had been.

As I watched her, a plan began to form in my mind. I would make sure she had everything she needed to succeed, to continue growing and evolving as a person and as a legend. And I would be there, cheering her on, every step of the way.

As I continued to watch Mayra and Ved's effortless collaboration, a pang of jealousy crept into my chest, like a slow-burning fire. I felt a twinge of resentment towards Ved, for being the one she turned to, for being the one she trusted. Why was it him, and not me, who got to see this side of her? Why was it him, and not me, who got to be her partner in crime?

I pushed the thoughts aside, trying to focus on the task at hand, but the feeling lingered, like a shadow in the corner of my mind. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be the one she leaned on, to be the one she confided in. To be the one she needed.

Mayra walked towards her sleek black Lamborghini, its glossy finish reflecting the sunlight like a mirror. The car's curves and lines seemed to shimmer with an air of sophistication, earning admiring glances from passersby. As she approached, the doors swung open with a soft hiss, revealing the luxurious interior.

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