jealousy on Peak !!!!

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I gripped the steering wheel tightly, my eyes fixed on the road ahead

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I gripped the steering wheel tightly, my eyes fixed on the road ahead. Mayra sat in the passenger seat, her dress a constant reminder of where we were headed. Club Eclipse, and Shadow.

"Mayra, I'm telling you, this isn't a good idea," I said, trying to keep my tone even.

"What's not a good idea, Vihaan? Me wearing this dress or me going to the club?" she shot back, her voice laced with anger.

"It's not the dress, Princess . You can wear whatever you want. It's just...Shadow. He's not someone to be trifled with," I explained, trying to reason with her.

"Oh, so now you're controlling what I do and who I see? Newsflash, Vihaan: I'm not your property," she snapped, her eyes flashing with anger.

"I'm just trying to protect you, princess . You know Shadow's reputation. He's not someone to be trusted," I said, frustration creeping into my voice.

"Protect me? From what? Myself? You think I'm some damsel in distress who can't handle herself? I've been taking care of myself for a long time, Vihaan," she said, her voice rising.

"Mayra, that's not what I meant. It's just...Shadow has a history of manipulating people. I don't want you to get hurt," I said, trying to calm her down.

"Hurt? You're the one who's hurting me, Vihaan. With your controlling behavior and your possessiveness. I thought we were partners, not the owner and pet," she said, her voice cold.

I sighed, feeling a mix of anger and guilt. I knew I was being possessive, but I couldn't help it. The thought of Mayra near Shadow made my blood boil.

"Mayra, please understand-"

"No, Vihaan. You need to understand. I'm not your property, and I won't be controlled. If you can't handle this, then maybe we shouldn't be working together," she said, her eyes flashing with determination.

I felt a pang of fear at her words. Losing Mayra, both as a partner and as someone I cared about, was not an option. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down, focusing on the road ahead.

As we pulled up to Club Eclipse, I knew I had to put my feelings aside and focus on the mission. But it was hard to shake off the feeling of unease, knowing Mayra was walking into the shadows den, and I was the one who had to protect her.

We reached the club Eclipse . As Mayra reached for the door handle, I grasped her hand, holding her in place. She turned to me, her eyes still flashing with anger.

"Let me go, Vihaan," she said, her voice firm.

"Princess , please listen to me. I know I've been possessive and controlling, but it's only because I care about you. I can't lose you, not to Shadow or anyone else," I said, my voice laced with worry.

Mayra's expression softened slightly, but her eyes still held a hint of anger. "You're not going to lose me, Vihaan. But you need to trust me. Trust that I can handle myself and trust that I know what I'm doing."

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief washed over me. "I do trust you, princess. It's just...Shadow is a dangerous man. I can't help but worry about you."

Mayra's face was gentle, and she placed her hand on mine. "I know you worry, Vihaan. And I appreciate it. But you need to let me do my job. I can handle Shadow."

I nodded again, feeling a sense of resolve to wash over me. "Alright, princess . I'll let you do your job. But promise me one thing: be careful. Please, be careful."

Mayra smiled, a small, reassuring smile. "I promise, Vihaan. I'll be careful."

With that, she opened the door and stepped out into the night, leaving me to follow her into the unknown dangers that lay ahead.

As we walked into the club, the pulsating music and flashing lights enveloped us. Ved and Veer flanked me, their eyes scanning the crowd as we made our way to our designated seats. Mayra was already there, sipping a drink and looking like a million bucks. I tried to play it cool, but my eyes kept drifting to her, making sure she was safe.

We settled in, trying to blend in with the crowd. Ved and Veer started chatting, laughing and joking like we were just there for a night out. I joined in, trying to keep up the charade, but my eyes never left Mayra. She was working her magic, charming the people around her with her smile and laugh.

As the lights suddenly went off, the club was plunged into darkness, and the anticipation was palpable. The vibe of the dance floor was electric, and I could feel the Vibe of the music pulsating through my veins. That's when I saw Mayra walking towards the dance floor, her arm linked with a man who was clearly entranced by her. My eyes narrowed as I took in the man's appearance - tall, lean, and muscular, with a tattoo of a snake coiled around his right bicep. My instincts screamed that this was Shadow, or at least someone connected to him.

As they reached the dance floor, the man's eyes never left Mayra's face, and I could sense his desire from where I was standing. Mayra, on the other hand, seemed to be in her element, her hips swaying to the music as she moved closer to him. I felt a surge of unease as I watched them dance, their bodies swaying in perfect sync. Mayra was playing her part to perfection, luring him in with her charms. But as they danced closer, their bodies almost touching, I felt a pang of jealousy. What was she doing? Why was she dancing so close to him?

The music pulsed on, and the crowd around them cheered and whistled, but I was transfixed by the scene unfolding before me. Mayra's eyes locked onto mine, and for a moment, I thought I saw a flicker of mischief there. But then, she turned back to her partner, her smile radiant as she wrapped her arms around his neck. I felt a growl rising in my throat as I watched them, my mind racing with possibilities. Was she playing a dangerous game? Was she trying to provoke me? Or was she simply doing her job, luring Shadow into a trap? Whatever the reason, I knew I had to keep a close eye on them, my instincts screaming that something was off.

I watched, my eyes fixed on Mayra, as she whispered something in the man's ear. He nodded, his eyes gleaming with excitement, and together they turned towards the exit. Veer and Ved caught my eye, their subtle nods indicating that they had indeed identified the man as one of Shadow's associates. I could see that they had also tracked down the rest of Shadow's men, and our team had successfully apprehended them. It was a textbook operation, and I should have been thrilled. But my mind was elsewhere, consumed by a growing sense of unease.

As Mayra and the man disappeared into the exit hallway, I felt a sudden jolt of possessiveness. That hallway was notorious for being a makeout spot, and the thought of Mayra alone with this stranger, in such an intimate setting, was unbearable. I signaled to Veer and Ved that I was going to follow them, my eyes locked on the exit sign as I made my way through the crowd.

The music and laughter of the club faded into the background as I quickened my pace, my heart pounding in my chest. I pushed open the door and slipped into the dimly lit hallway, my eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of Mayra and her mysterious companion. The air was thick with the scent of perfume and smoke, and I could feel my tension building with every step. Where were they going? What were they planning to do? And why did I have this gnawing feeling that Mayra was in over her head?

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