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As their lips met, the kiss was a perfect blend of sweet and rough, Vihaan's control evident in every gentle yet demanding touch. Mayra's mouth opened to his, their tongues dancing in a sensual rhythm, the tension between them palpable.

Vihaan's hands cradled Mayra's face, his fingers tracing her jawline as he deepened the kiss. His lips were soft yet insistent, coaxing Mayra's surrender. She melted into his embrace, her body arching towards him as she yielded to his gentle yet firm pressure.

The kiss was a slow burn, building in intensity as Vihaan's passion took hold. His lips never left Mayra's, his mouth devouring hers with a hunger that left her breathless. Mayra's hands tangled in his hair, her fingers clutching the strands as she tried to keep up with Vihaan's fervor.

Vihaan's control was evident in every touch, every caress, his lips never leaving Mayra's as he explored her mouth with a sensual expertise that left her reeling. The kiss was a masterclass in seduction, Vihaan's skillful touch igniting a fire within Mayra that threatened to consume her.

As they broke apart, gasping for air, Mayra's eyes fluttered open to find Vihaan's gaze burning with intensity, his eyes blazing with a desire that left her weak in the knees. The kiss had been a promise of what was to come, a tantalizing taste of the passion that lay ahead.

 The kiss had been a promise of what was to come, a tantalizing taste of the passion that lay ahead

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As I gazed into Mayra's eyes after our passionate kiss, I noticed a subtle change in her demeanor. The confident, feisty woman who had challenged me just moments before had suddenly become shy and demure. Her eyes cast downward, her cheeks flushed, and her lips curled into a soft smile.

I couldn't help but tease her, my voice low and playful. "Ah, my little Venom, you're still the same shy girl I met five years ago."

Her eyes flickered up to mine, a hint of defensiveness in their depths. "I'm not shy," she protested, her voice barely above a whisper.

I chuckled, my eyes never leaving hers. "Oh, Mayra. You can't fool me. I see the real you, the one you try to hide behind that sharp tongue and confident exterior. And you know what? I think I'll start calling you Princess."

Mayra's gaze dropped again, her fingers tracing the edge of her sleeve. "You can't call me that," she whispered.

I reached out, my fingers tilting her chin up. "Why not? You're my little princess, Mayra. Soft, sweet, and vulnerable, with a strength that's all your own."

Her eyes flashed, a hint of pleasure in their depths. "Vihaan..."

I smiled, my voice gentle. "I like it. Princess. It suits you."

And with that, I sealed my claim with another kiss, leaving Mayra breathless and blushing, her eyes shining with a newfound softness.

The room was filled with the sound of typing and papers shuffling as they finally settled into work. Mayra was focused on her task, her brow furrowed in concentration. But I couldn't resist the urge to be near her, to touch her.

"Princess, can I see what you're working on?" I asked, strolling over to her desk.

She looked up, a hint of surprise in her eyes. "It's just some reports, Vihaan."

I leaned in, my shoulder brushing against hers. "Let me take a look. I'm sure I can help."

Mayra's cheeks flushed, but she didn't move away. "I think I've got it under control."

I chuckled, my hand reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. "Oh, Princess. You're so independent. But I like that about you."

She shot me a sideways glance, a small smile playing on her lips. "Vihaan, focus."

I grinned, my eyes locked on hers. "I am focused. On you, Princess."

Mayra's face turned pink, but she didn't protest as I continued to stand beside her, my hand occasionally touching hers as we worked.

Cut scene:

"Princess, can you pass me that file?" I asked, my voice was low and husky.

Mayra's eyes met mine, a hint of amusement in their depths. "It's right in front of you, Vihaan."

I smiled, my hand closing over hers as I took the file. "Thanks, Princess. You're always so helpful."

Mayra's cheeks flushed, but she didn't pull away. "Just doing my job, Vihaan."

I leaned in, my lips brushing against her ear. "You're doing a great job, Princess. In more ways than one."

As the night wore on, the office emptied, and the only sound was the soft hum of the computers and Mayra's typing. I, Vihaan, noticed she was still working, her focus unwavering. I walked over to her desk, my footsteps quiet on the carpet.

"Hey, Princess, it's getting late. You should head home," I said, my voice gentle.

Mayra looked up, her eyes tired, but a hint of determination still present. "Just a few more minutes, Vihaan. I need to finish this code ."

I leaned against her desk, my arms crossed. "Mayra, you've been working non-stop for hours. You need to take a break. Besides, we could do something else to unwind..." I trailed off, a sly grin spreading across my face.

Mayra's cheeks flushed, and she looked away, her voice barely above a whisper. "Vihaan, stop teasing me. I just want to finish my work."

I chuckled, my eyes never leaving hers. "Ah, Princess, you're so dedicated. But I'm not going to let you burn out. Come on, let's call it a night."

Mayra sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "Fine, but I'm just going to go home and work some more."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, no, you're not. You're going to go home, relax, and forget about work for a while. I'll even follow you to make sure you get there safely."

Mayra's eyes rolled, but a small smile played on her lips. "You're so bossy, Vihaan."

I grinned, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of her smile. "That's what happens when you're worried about your Princess, Mayra."

We walked out of the office together, the cool night air enveloping us as we made our way to our cars. I insisted on following her home, despite her protests. As we pulled up to her apartment, I got out of my car and walked over to hers.

"Goodnight, Princess," I said, my voice was low and gentle. I leaned in, my lips brushing against her forehead in a soft kiss.

Mayra's eyes fluttered closed, a soft sigh escaping her lips. "Goodnight, Vihaan."

I smiled, my heart full of warmth. "Sweet dreams, Mayra. I'll see you tomorrow."

With that, I turned and walked back to my car, feeling a sense of content washing over me. I knew I'd see her again soon, and that thought alone was enough to keep me smiling all night long.

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