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Disclaimer: This chapter contains a lot of football content. Skip if you don't like it!


Today was Matchday but not just any Matchday, it was Derbyday. You didn't expect any special results from this match, as it was a regular occurrence. You had played many times against them in the last season and always lost. They were top of the league after all.

You were a goalkeeper and you were surprisingly relaxed. Normally before games you would be nervous and anxious about your performance. Somehow you were always worried about it but today you had nothing to lose. You were expecting to lose.

The only problem was that you had developed a crush on one of the opponents. It was ridiculous since you only saw her twice a year. Once in the first round of the league, once in the second round.
Last season you had to see her more often since you had various cup matches against her team.

After having arrived in the changing rooms, you were in the mood. Nothing could get you to stop laughing with your teammates, changing and preparing fully for the match ahead.
You were just stretching after warming up when you saw the opponents walk out to also warm up. Your eyes immediately searched for her. At first you couldn't see her but because of her performance she was known in your team and soon someone saw her.
You continued warming up and after some time you were called to to warm up with a coach separately. While your coach threw and shot a few balls at the goal, warming you up and preparing you properly, you kept your eyes on the other team, analysing the other goalkeeper to give your team advices later on and also looking at how your opponents shot to see what you needed to prepare for.

Your teammates began taking shots on the goal not long after and you again were in the zone, not noticing your crush anymore and also not noticing the glances that were pointed in your direction.
I mean, the whole team probably knew that you were quite a decent goalkeeper and your team talked about their players to sometimes so you could only guess they would talk about you and your team too sometimes.


After the referee arrived half an hour late, the whistle was blown, signalling the start of the game. And how it was started, red against blue, fire against water, both teams being eager to get some points out of this game.

The first half went by quickly, with you having a few good saves and the score being 1:1. Your opponents having scored early in the game but your team equalising shortly before halftime.

Everyone in your team was eager as they all noticed you had a chance to win this early in the game, you included.

Your crush was a midfielder, doing more of the offensive midfield meaning you were met with her presence near you quite a few times already. You could tell it wasn't her game and you enjoyed seeing her completely miss the goal, even if she was in a one on one with you, a defender shortly behind her. You had enjoyed hearing her curse loudly after this, having to stop yourself from laughing.

The joy you felt was incredible when in the last twenty minutes your team could at first get the score even again, then making the score 3:2 and then scoring another goal, making it 4:2.
Now the only thing left to do was keeping the score. You were motivated to give it your best. To not let another goal in. There were a few more chances from both sides but nothing too dangerous. Shortly after you heard the final whistle blow. You couldn't contain your excitement. It was the first win against this team, having lost against them up to 10:0 last year.

You were jumping around with your teammates first but you realised it was time to shake your opponents hands, telling them they played well.
Your crush was the last one you had to shake hands with. All the others were already on their way back. You went to shake her hand but when you took it, you felt yourself being pulled into a hug by her.
"Meet me in five behind the changing rooms." She whispered in your ear so no one could hear your conversation.
"And why would I?" You teased.
"Just do it or I will lose my control right here."
"Okay, okay, chill I was just messing with you." You laughed.
"Well, take it seriously." She said, clenching her jaw.
"Will do." You whispered back and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. You didn't even know why. A sudden burst of confidence overcame you and you knew you were gonna be teased endlessly about this later on by your teammates.

Your thoughts were interrupted when your coach called you over for the match reflection.
You couldn't concentrate on the reflection but you could hear sentences like "well done..." and "good passes..." but when you heard "We'll see us at training on Monday." You got up eagerly, trying to not make your hurry and excitement obvious.
Inside of your head, you cursed yourself. It had been more than five minutes.
After shortly throwing your things into your bag in the changing room, you practically sprinted out of the room, saying you needed to go to the toilet.
Quickly you rounded the building and slowed down before walking around the last corner, trying not to seem desperate.

As soon as she saw you, she walked towards you, grabbing you by your shoulders and pushing you against the wall.
"Do you think I haven't noticed your glances in the past games?" She whispered, your faces only inches apart.
"Oh, darling. I wanted you to see." You responded, seeing her face flush red. Swiftly you switched your positions.
"I have wanted to do this for so long." You desperately mumbled.
"What have you wanted to do? Maybe I wanted it too for way too long." She smirked.
You took this as a confirmation and permission. Not wasting any time you brought your lips to hers, crashing them onto each other. Her arms were around your neck and your hand rested on her waist while you both melted into a needy kiss.

Pulling away after some time, you rested your forehead on hers. "How about we take this somewhere less noticeable." You breathlessly said.
"We probably should." She mumbled, still leaving her gaze on your lips.
"I need to go back to the team, you need to too." You whispered. "Meet me at my house tonight." You continued.
"Deal. But let me write down my number for you before we go." She said and ran back to write it down. After a few minutes of you just leaning awkwardly at the wall she came back.
"Here, text me your address." She said.
"Will do." You smiled.
"I guess we'll see each other tonight." She winked and turned around to leave.
"Not so fast." You chuckled, grabbing her forearm and pulling her back into you and kissing her passionately.
"Now you can go." You smirked satisfied.
"Bye." She giggled, the kiss making her blush.

You went back to your changing room with a satisfied smile on your face. You just made out with your crush and it definitely wasn't a one time thing!
As soon as you entered, you heard your teammates cheering and beginning to tease you. All of this only made you blush more but you couldn't care less.
You would see, touch and kiss a perfect girl again tonight.

A longer one this time.
Hope you enjoyed reading!

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