Part 25

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Shivaay finished his classes of the day.
Today he excused himself from tutoring Bani because he wanted to patch things up with Anika but she was a nutcracker.

Anirivya room.
Anika is now watching tv Rivya appear.
They sit next to her because she's better than yesterday.

" Annie I am happy to see you come out of your room," Gauri said.
" Yes.....but why the sudden change of mood because in the morning you were happy ?" Bhavya replied.

Anika couldn't hide anything to them and explained everything in detail.

"But I thought you and Shivaay are just friends ?" Bhavya said.
" Yes ......and I quote " Nothing more nothing less " Gauri added.
" You guys are so's just that when I saw them together I was angry it's like history repeat itself like Veer ," Anika explained.
" Annie ..... close your eyes ," Gauri said.
" But why ?"Anika asked confused.
" Just do it no questions asked ," Bhavya added.
She did.
" Whom do you see first ?" Gauri asked.
Anika saw Shivaay.
" Shivaay ," Anika replied.
" Open your eyes ," Gauri said.
She opened them.
"But why !?" Anika said confused.
" Because you love him ," Gauri replied.
" No ways ?!" Anika exclaimed.
" Yes ways..... because you talk about him, you smile when he texts you and lastly you got jealous seeing him with Bani if it's not love then what is it tell me ?" Bhavya explained.

Shivaay texts Anika.
I'm sorry friend it was a misunderstanding please meet me at cafeteria at night we can talk.

She  notices a vibration on her  pocket and reads it and so as Rivya.

" Wow he's such a gentleman ," Bhavya said.
" Yes ," Gauri said she remembered Om explaining everything to her.
" I won't go ," Anika said.
" Annie you'll hear from horses mouth and there is two sides of a story you only  saw not heard rest ," Gauri said.
" What do you mean ?" Anika asked.
" Nothing ," Gauri replied.
" You know something Gauri tell me ?" Anika asked.
" Leave Gauri alone and find for yourself ," Bhavya replied.

Guys I hope you noticed 6 th stage of love denial.

Shivaay with help of Omru were sitting up the cafeteria and finished.

They went to their room they took lunch and Shivaay was constantly on his watch he was annoyed that the day was longer than usual Omru noticed.

" Brother why are so angry ?" Rudy asked.
" Looks like someone is eager to meet her Juliet ," Om said.
Shivaay didn't respond thought that was angry at them and kept quiet.
" Why are you guys so silent aren't you done teasing me ?" Shivaay asked.
They smiled and hugged each other.
" ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE ," Shivaay chanted and responded.

" Promise me brother even if you and Anika date a will be your first priority ," Rudy said.
" Stop it Rudy were just friends and I always love you and Om because you're not only my friends but also my brothers," Shivaay said.
They hugged each other.

Finally evening reached Shivaay went to cafeteria and finished his work and waited for Anika  for long and thought she wouldn't come and suddenly she came wearing a blue dress with matching leggings and matching shoes and wore the necklace he had given her and he didn't know why but she found her 🔥🔥🔥💯.

She reached there and Shivaay blindfolded her although at first she was resisting because she was angry at him but Shivaay was not willing.

She reached the venue it was simple but classy and sat her down Anika was still 😡😡and Shivaay opened the dish it was aloo puri and paratha.

" Why are you wearing a tuxedo and clothes on a date ?" Anika asked.
" Well Rudra exchanged my clothes ...he's just impossible," Shivaay replied.
" Annie are you still angry ?" Shivaay asked.
" Yes ," Anika replied coldly.
He explained everything to her that him and Bani are just colleagues he's her tutor.
" Are you still mad ?" Shivaay asked.
" No .....l understand I just felt scared of Lossing you sorry for my outburst," Anika said.
" It's fine we're human after all ," Shivaay responded.
" Annie come I have a surprise for you ," Shivaay said.
She took Anika to the roof to show her galaxy ( stars )
It was beautiful it was as if stars chose them.

" Wow ! Shivaay it's beautiful !" Anika exclaimed.
" Annie you see in the sky each star is different and unique is same just like as human beings but that's what makes as special and spark ," Shivaay replied.

Anika melted hearing these words only her dad made her special now this guy....

She hugs him tightly and he coughs.

" Sorry my bad.....friends ," Anika said.
" Friends ," Shivaay replied.
" I forgot my last surprise ," Shivaay said.
He came with a box.
" Annie this isn't an ordinary box ," Shivaay said.
" Why ?!" Anika exclaimed.
" This box is special because you can put
beautiful memories on it so that when you feel sad you see them and become  happy and sad too," Shivaay said.
" Thanks it's's getting late ," Anika said.
" Yes I'll escort  you ," Shivaay replied.
Anika tried denying but Shivaay insisted.

He escorted her up to their room and Rivya were just admiring them.

" I'll leave now ," Shivaay excused himself.
" Ok goodnight ," Anika said.

Shivaay left and Anika reached their room.

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# Shivika ff 2.0
End of the chapter.

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