Chapter 9

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       The next morning I woke up in a strange room. My suitcase was on the floor by my bed. I got up and looked through it, finding my toiletries and went to the door of a room that I guessed correctly as the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a shower before coming out and getting dressed in what I hoped passed as normal teenaged clothes, Ash had packed it with clothes she had thought appropriate for a teenaged girl. It seemed all I had been wearing lately were sweats, sports bras, and other various work out clothes. This was the first time I had worn jeans since I had been kidnapped. I silently cursed Ash in my head as I looked through the clothes and found many shirts, all either very low cut, strapless, or a tank top. I threw on the tank top, as it seemed to be the most comfortable, and left the room. Zach was digging through the fridge when I came out already dressed for the day. There were two backpacks on the table. 

       “You serious, we’re going to school today?” I asked, not able to help a small groan come out of my mouth. My last high school experience was not a fond memory.

       “What’d you expect? That’s what you do on Mondays.” he chuckled and threw an apple at me over his shoulder which I immediately caught and began to eat.

       “Fine, then I’m going to go make myself look like a normal teenager.” I told him as I left the room.

       Ash had packed some makeup in my bag and told me yesterday that if I make myself look popular I would have more freedom in school and be able to get closer to the teachers. It seemed unfair to me, but from my own high school I knew this was true so I decided to do what she said. I put on some mascara, eye liner, eye shadow, and just a hint of lipstick until I was pleased with the girl looking back at me from the mirror. Ash was right, I did look different then who I had been before all of this. My hair looked darker then the reddish brown it had once been thanks to the fact I didn’t go outside much. My eyes looked darker too, and they were accentuated by my high cheekbones which were now even more defined thanks to working out. I heard Zach call me from the other room so I admired my reflection once more before turning around and leaving the room.

       When I went into the living room I felt his eyes on me as I grabbed one of the backpacks from the table. I finally turned around to meet his eye and saw that he wasn’t looking at my face, but was busy letting his eyes roam across the amount of skin I had exposed. There was a look in his eyes that made my stomach tighten uncomfortably and I blushed as he finally looked up. Why did he still have such an affect on me? I knew he wasn’t the same nice guy I had first met!

       But the thought was instantly out of my mind as he walked towards me quickly. I backed up until my back was against the kitchen counter. He put his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him.

       “What are you doing?” my voice was little more than a whisper.

       “What are you wearing?” his voice was low as he leaned closer to me.

       “Ash packed it, it was either this or the strapless one. She packed lots of skirts too.” I wrinkled my nose and tried to move slightly away from Zach. “She thinks that if we get popular we’ll have more access to the teachers at the school.”

       “Clever, I’ll have to thank her.” he breathed out, leaning in even closer.

       I let out a nervous laugh and used a move Ash taught me to displace his hands and get some distance between the two of us. Zach laughed at my move and grabbed his own bag.

       “That was hot!” he said as we walked out to the car. I rolled my eyes at him and spent my time as we went to school fiddling with the radio. 

“Did Andy check to see if there actually are any talents here?” I asked.

“Of course. There aren’t any.”

“Then why did they send Ms. Glass here?”

“That’s what we’re going to find out. It’s either because someone makes it seem like they have a talent because their human talents are extraordinary, or there is a Resistance safe house close and they sent this lady here just in case.”

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