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“El, wait up!”

I slowed down at the sound of the familiar voice and Fiona rammed her hip into mine when she finally caught up to me.

“What’s the matter with you, why’re you in such a hurry? I know Dr. Kindler is boring, but you don’t have to bolt the second class is over.” she told me, looking slightly annoyed.

“Sorry, I’m just excited to get back and start packing.” I told her with an apologetic smile.

“That’s right, you and your boytoy are going back to Denver, right?”

“I wish you wouldn’t call him that.” I muttered.

“That’s hardly fair, you call Logan that all the time!” she protested.

“Yeah, because you two aren’t dating like Ky and I are.” I raised an eyebrow at her and she at least had the decency to blush about her and Logan’s friends-with-benefits relationship.

“Whatever.” she scoffed. “You do realize you’re missing our last final, right?”

“I did it early.” I told her and she scowled at me.

“I really hate how goody-goody you are when it comes to school.”

I grinned at those words. It was true, even in my final year of Grad school that trait of mine still hadn’t changed and I still got teased about it from Ava and Ky.

“I’m insulted you didn’t invite me along this time.” Fiona pouted. “And I thought you were my best friend.”

I snorted. “You just want to go back so you can see Logan again.”

She shrugged. “What can I say, that boys talented in more ways then one.” 

I shuddered at her words and made a face. “That’s my cue to leave.”

“Like you and Ky don’t-”

“Good bye Fiona!” I called to her, making a quick getaway to my car.

I drove back to the small apartment Ky and I lived in together that was just a short ways a way from where we went to grad school at the University of Virginia. Ky was studying to by a lawyer while I was studying medicine with the intent of being a surgeon. After everything I had been through, I felt the need to help people in some way and it had been Ky who talked me into being a doctor. After my first week of classes I had instantly known that this was what I needed to do with my life.

“Hey babe, I’m home!” I called out when I walked through the door.

“In here!” he called from the bedroom.

I followed his voice to find him finishing our packing with our suitcase lying open on the bed. I gave him a quick kiss and helped him finish the packing so we could make our flight on time. The picture on our dresser caught my eye and I smiled slightly as I saw the framed picture of Ash and Cody. When I first put the picture up Ky had thought I was crazy, but as depressing as the picture could be it also reminded me of a time when Ash was happy and that was what I wanted to remember her as.

“My parents called today, they’re driving down and are going to be staying with Tom and Janet while they’re in town.” Ky told me as he packed the suitcase in the car.

“That’s good.” I muttered. Ky seemed to notice my lack of enthusiasm and gave me a sly grin before turning me around to give me a proper kiss.

“Don’t worry sweetheart, my parents love you.”

“Enough to approve of me marrying their son?” I asked rhetorically. “Maybe we should wait till we’re done with school.”

“We’ve talked about this already.” Ky sighed. “Is that what you really want, or are you just nervous about our parents?”

I kept silent and that seemed to be answer enough for him.

“I love you Elaine.”

“And I love you.”

“And our parents know that, so they shouldn’t have any problems with us getting married.” Ky finished.

“Is it too late to change our flight to Vegas?” I asked weakly.

Ky laughed. “Killing the most dangerous man is no problem for you, but the second you find out we have to tell our parents we’re engaged you want to run for the hills. I think something in that brilliant brain of yours is wired wrong.”

“And you love me for it.” I told him cheekily.

“That I do.” Ky agreed, pulling me in for a quick kiss before letting me go so that I could climb in the car.

“We also have a meeting with the Council on Saturday, don’t forget.” I told him as he climbed in the car.

“Between you and the texts I get from Evan reminding me, how could I forget?” he said dryly.

Evan and my sister were both in undergrad programs at the University of Denver and were roommates in the dorms since they wanted to try living on their own for a bit. Even though Evan wasn’t a member of the Council, she had hopes of becoming one some day and was studying politics.

Ky and I didn’t want full-time positions on the council since school was taking up so much of our time, so we were more honorary members. Tom still had the hopes that someday we would join it in full and although neither of us had a problem with someday helping reveal this secret world to humans and to perhaps smooth over the transition, we both agreed that we wanted to get our degrees first and start our careers.

In the meantime, Tom had Evan guilt trip us into coming to as many meetings as we possibly could so that we were well-informed on what was happening in the world of the Talents and so they could hear our input on decisions.

Despite the fact we were the youngest people on the Council, they only treated us with the highest of respect and we had developed quite a name for ourselves in the underworld community. The government had grown since we had first established it, spreading from just the United States to also having branches all over the world.

“Do you think Tom’s ever disappointed in our decision?” I asked Ky, not for the first time.

Ky grabbed my hand and kissed it gently, still keeping his eyes on the road.

“Tom understands. After everything we’ve been through, we deserve to be a little selfish and focus on what we want in life for a few years.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“Like usual.” he added.

“Cocky bastard.” I muttered and he smirked.

“You love me for it.” he mocked.

“Better believe I do. You’re my cocky bastard.”

I smiled over at my amazing fiancé, the man who had brought me back from my self-destructive depression and had taught me to love and trust again. He had stuck with me through my worst and had made me the happiest I had ever been.

I still didn’t know if I could heal from death anymore times, but I didn’t need to know because I since the day Cody and Zach had died I never needed to use my powers for anything other than small bruises and paper cuts. With Ky I was safe, and loved, and protected.

My life was anything but a normal life, I had too many responsibilities because of the Council and my school. It was stressful at it’s worst, but for the first time in my life I wasn’t alone and I loved my life exactly how it was.

Even with the knowledge that there would be hard times ahead and they would only get worse when the world knew us for what we were, I didn’t worry about that because I wouldn’t change my life for anything.


Hey! So that's the end of the Assassin's Shadow! Thank you for sticking with me to the end, I appreciate it so much and love you because you are an awesome person! I just kind of wanted to show how Elaine was doing later in life in this part and show how she made some friends and was finally able to move on in her life as well as was able to fit both the human world and the other world together. Please tell me what you think and if there was anything else you wanted to know about or anything you think I should add or change! All criticism is welcome, thank you for all your comments! Please vote and comment! You guys are awesome, love you all!

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