Chapter 24

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We sat on the couch for a while in complete silence before Ky returned with his phone in hand. He dropped himself next to me on the couch with a sigh and let his head fall back to rest against the couch. Unable to help myself, I reached out to grasp his hand in mine and he tilted his head slightly so that he could look at me, giving me a faint smile which I returned.
“What did Tom say?”

“To lay low, they’ll call back when they think of something.”

I frowned, unhappy with that answer. “Why have you guys never brought the fight to them before?”

Almost everybody in the room jerked their heads to look at me with different mixtures of disbelief.

“What?” I asked, a bit uneasy under their eyes.

“We wouldn’t survive under an offensive attack against the Revolution. Our biggest advantage is that they don’t know who or where we are. We can’t take the risk of exposing ourselves.” one of the guys’ answered me.

“The longer you wait, the more people Cody finds to enlist.” I argued.

“We find people too, why do you think Diana was at that school?” Ky tried to mollify me.

“You search blindly while Andy leads Cody straight too a talent. Who do you think has the advantage there?” I asked flatly.

Nobody answered me and so I tried a different approach.

“Why not just go straight for Cody? Kill him and the Revolution will disintegrate.”

Some people exchanged nervous glances. “We tried that, Cody’s power is to strong. As long as he’s touching the earth he’s too fast and too strong. He killed anyone we sent.”

I sighed and dropped back against the couch, releasing tension from my body that I hadn’t even noticed had built due to my anger at their ineptitude. I looked down and realized dully that my hand was still connected with Ky’s. The thought calmed me slightly as his thumb absent-mindedly rubbed circles on the back of my hand.

The sight of my fingers reminded me of Hannah and without meaning too my eyes raised to observe Michael. Susan was never out of her room, always shut away so that she could wallow away in her grief. Much like how I had been after Ash’s death.

Then it was as if Hannah’s words from the night I had escaped finally hit me. Her pleas to free her, her telling me that only I could save them all. She had told me that I had to heal myself from the guilt of killing Ash and I now saw what would happen if I didn’t. I would be a mere shadow of who I was, and I was sick of acting helpless and powerless.

“Ky, call Tom for me.” I told him.

Ky narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously. “Why?”

“Please, just trust me.” I pleaded with him.

He held my gaze for a few more seconds before he nodded shortly and removed his hand from mine so he could retrieve his phone. He dialed a number and listened for a few seconds before handing me the phone.

“Hello, Ky?” I recognized Tom’s voice immediately.

“No Tom, this is Elaine.” I said, clearing my throat slightly and jumping off the couch. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me as I walked up the stairs but I disregarded it and shut the door to my room.

“Elaine!” Tom sounded surprised. “How can I help you?”

“I need your support, I want to attack the Revolution.”

There was a long pause from his end and I refused to be the one to break the silence, allowing him to overcome his shock before he spoke again.

“Do you know how dangerous what you just said was.”

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