Chapter 11

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I felt my excitement slowly increasing as we got to the mall. I hopped out of the car with enthusiasm after Zach had parked and sped off towards where I saw Daniel park, leaving Zach to be simpered over by Libby.  

 "Well someone looks excited!" Daniel chuckled when I practically bull dozed into Felicia, who giggled at my vigor.

"I've never been to the mall here." I pretended to pout.

"You poor baby, what have you been doing since you got to town?" Felicia asked in mock horror.

"Babysitting my brother." I told her with a grin, right as Zach walked within hearing distance.

He scowled at me. "I'm pretty sure it's the other way around." he told me. I just rolled my eyes at him and didn't reply, in all honesty it was the other way around but I would never admit that.

"You two are so funny together." Felicia laughed. "If I didn't know you were siblings I would think you were dating."

Zach shot me a smug look at that and I rolled my eyes again, shooting a disgruntled look at Felicia which just made her laugh harder.

We walked into the mall and Libby dragged us into some clothes store. I quickly felt my excitement high diminishing with each new store we went in too. After the third store, I was completely bored out of my mind and wound up just standing to the side with Daniel, Jared, and Zach joking with them while Libby and Felicia tried on practically everything in the store. By the time they had run their course through their favorite stores, we were starving and so we went to the food court to get some dinner. Daniel bought us a pizza and we resumed our joking behavior. For some reason Libby kept shooting me dirty looks, but I ignored her attitude.

"Well hello there." The voice from behind me made me stiffen and turn around.

"What are you doing here?" Felicia asked in a voice that was clearly annoyed. 

"My friends and I just came over to say 'hi', is that such a crime?" Blair asked innocently, gesturing to three other boys he was with. I noticed that they were all just as good looking as he was, and they all gave off the 'bad-boy' vibe what with their piercings and tattoos. This just made me smirk and I looked over at Zach who looked just as amused as I was by their superficial appearances. He caught my eye and we both had to bite our lip to keep from laughing. One of Blair's friends noticed our strange exchange.

"Hey, you two are the new guys aren't you?" he asked.

"Yeah..." I told him cautiously.

"Blair mentioned you. Step-siblings, right?" something in their smirks made me frown and I glared at Blair.

"Speaking of Blair, how's your shoulder?" Zach asked him with a smirk. My glare turned into a grin as I remembered his shoulder was probably severely bruised from how hard I had pushed him into the locker earlier. Blair scowled and gave Zach a look that probably would have made anyone else wet themselves. He then turned the look on me since I was actually the one responsible for the bruise. Instead of being intimidated, I was even more amused and cocked an eyebrow at him. Somehow his scowl darkened and so I winked at him, unable to help myself from provoking his anger. Blair let out an angry hiss and grabbed me by my shirt, pulling me to standing.

"You should tell your brother to watch his mouth. I could leak some nasty rumors about you two." he told me in a whisper talking so quietly that only Zach would be able to hear us since he was the closest..

"Oh no! A rumor!" I said in mock horror. I grabbed his hand and ripped it away from me. He looked shocked at my strength. "Listen boy, don't talk to me. Don't pay any attention to us. We'll mind our business, and you mind yours."

"Why would I do that. You two need to be knocked back a few notches. At that school, I'm in charge."

"Oh please, have your mediocre school. But if you don't back off, I will destroy your image. You think that bruise I gave you is the worst I can do? I can publicly humiliate you in a fight where you won't land a single blow. So how about my brother and I go about our life and you go on with yours?"

Blair furiously opened his mouth, and I knew he was going to knock aside my offer for his pride so I quickly said. "Think very carefully. I never back down on a promise and I promise you this, refuse my offer and you will have to change schools to recover from your humiliation."

I matched Blair's furious look with the cruelest smirk I could conjure. Blair visibly swallowed and turned pale.

"Whatever." he said stiffly, taking a step away from me. With a glance at the other people around the table, he turned around and walked off with his three confused friends following him.

I sat back down and glanced up at Zach who was giving me an appraising look, a small smile playing on his lips. Everyone else at the table looked shocked, confused, and rather upset.

"What was that all about?" Jared demanded.

I shrugged. "Just a misunderstanding. For some reason the guy took it very personally when I didn't immediately fall before his feet when I first met him."

"That's typically the reaction from girls." Felicia shrugged. "At first, that is."

I made a face. "Well I think we've reached an...understanding."

Zach smirked. Oh yeah, he definitely heard my threats. And definitely approved.

We were all pretty bored of the mall, even the two shopping queens, and so we all decided to just call it a day. We drove Libby to her home before heading back to the hotel.

"God you were right." I muttered, dropping down on the couch the second I stepped into the main room. "How can they do that all the time? Shopping is terrible!"

Zach shrugged. "I told you it wouldn't be your thing."

"I should've listened. And I hate Blair. He's such a jackass."

"Good." Zach nodded in approval. "You did well with dealing with him. It was very impressive."

He was leaning in the doorframe looking at me this whole time as we talked, but now he shrugged himself off of it and I tried not to stare too much at him. He really was incredibly good looking, no matter how much of a terrible person he was.

"I've decided how you can repay me, by the way." he mentioned casually, walking over to me.

"Haven't I suffered enough?" I said dramatically, "I think I should get out of owing you since you already told me 'I told you so'."

"You don't get off that easy, I think I deserve something for having to put up with those annoying humans the whole day." he leaned over me on the couch, his knee in between my legs and one hand against the side of the coach to my right while the other one was a bit to the left of my head.

"What are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"Collecting my debt." he smirked and leaned down, pressing his lips lightly against mine before pulling away. "Come on Elaine, I know you like me. And I obviously like you. What's the problem?" he asked.

The problem is that I shouldn't like you because you're a lying, back-stabbing, murderer who wants to brainwash me! I thought angrily, and then he kissed me again and all I could think of was how soft his lips were. Oh well, I have to pretend to be obedient in order to gain any more freedom. That was my excuse as I kissed him back. Seemingly encouraged by my sudden interest, he wrapped my legs around his waist and I put my arms around his neck, pulling him even closer. I slipped a hand up the back of his shirt and traced a finger down his spine, making him shiver. This time I was the one smirking.

"Tease." he muttered.

"Like you're one to talk."

"Oh shut up and kiss me."


**Hey finals are finally over! As always, please comment and give me constructive criticism! I want to hear whatever thoughts you have about the story! Thanks**

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