Chapter 13 (part 2)

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recap: I watched Cody's face as he regarded the circle of flames which were vanishing quickly. Finally he said without even looking my way. 

"Go after Ash, Elaine. When you find her, kill her."


I froze.

"W-what?" I stammered out.

"I don't give second chances, she's used up her quota." he finally turned to look at me and saw the shocked expression on my face. "I can tell this is going to be hard for you."

"You want me to murder her?" I choked out.

"She's a traitor to our people." Cody said. He studied my shocked expression and finally said, "I'll make a deal with you. You kill her and not only will I spare your family, I'll also spare Ash's sister. I was going to kill her, but that incentive might make it a little more bearable for you. Choose quickly."

I stared at him in shock, I felt like I couldn't breathe. Finally I closed my eyes.

"I'll go." I said. I opened my eyes and saw with disgust that Cody had a satisfied look on his face.

"Then go." he said shortly.

It took me half an hour to catch up with Ash and when I finally got to her, I saw that Ms. Glass had vanished.

"Cody sent you then?" she asked.

I looked at her miserably. "You knew he was going to send somebody?"

"I thought he would."

I looked away, ashamed.

"What did he say to you?" she asked, hesitantly. Oddly, she seemed more worried about me than herself.

"He promised he wouldn't kill my family... or your sister if I did it."

Ash looked astonished.

"He wouldn't kill my sister?"

"That's what he told me."

Ash looked as if someone had struck her in the face. She closed her eyes. "Oh God, I hoped. I-" she broke off to take a shaky breath to steady herself. "I think I can die knowing that, die knowing I saved my sister's life."

"And the women from the Resistance." I added.

Ash nodded. There were tears in her eyes and it wasn't until a drop splashed on my face that I realized I was crying too.

"But I can't do it. I could never do it!" I shook my head angrily.

Ash smiled through her tears and suddenly she was the one comforting me. "I'm not afraid to die. I've killed so many people that Death has been my closest companion. I've seen how I could have died and I prefer that you do it anyways. At least this way I'll be saving my sister."

"Live for your sister!" I pleaded. I took my knife out of it's sheath and held it out to her as an offering. "Damn them! Kill me then find her and go join the Resistance!"

"You'd rather I kill you than you kill me?" Ash asked.

I nodded earnestly and she laughed, tears splashed down her front and she pushed the dagger away. We both disregarded the fact that I couldn't die.

"Oh I've never met anyone like you before, Elaine."

I smiled with her. Tears were coming quicker now and I realized that the time was closing in. My hand gripped tighter around the handle.

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