Chapter 28

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Numb. For the first time I truly understood what it was like to be Hannah, it was a numbness. I existed, but that was the extent of my interaction with anything. There were no colors, just an oppressive darkness that pressed against me. It consumed me, preventing my limbs from functioning, and I didn't do much to fight it.

Time was as irrelevant to me as pain or pleasure in this limbo. I don't know for how long I was in this apathetic state, but eventually I began to notice small changes. I'd hear snatches of voices, my fingers or toes would tingle, bright flashes of light would pierce through the darkness. It was irritating, and that was my next clue that the numbness was fading.

My emotions were returning to me.

As these things began to happen with more and more frequency, my irritation building at a frustrating level, my fight returned to me and for the first time in who knows how long my fingers twitched. A warmth began to spread through my body, starting in my chest and spreading to every distant corner of my body. As the warm feeling began to recede slightly, still congested in my chest area, I felt as if there was a sudden pressure in my lungs and then I gasped in a breath of air.

Immediately the voices around me began to grow louder and cutting through the chaos was a steady thrum of a beep that was the only consistency amongst the madness.

Eventually the voices faded to a silence and all I heard was the beeping. I felt a slight pressure on my left hand and I focused on that, feeling as if it was the only thing grounding me.

More time passed, the pressure on my hand would go away and return at odd intervals. Sometimes I'd feel the pressure on my forehead, something brushing my hair. I'd hear a voice murmuring to me but I could never understand the words. That's when I felt my next emotion; curiosity. I wanted desperately to find out who's voice it was, what the pressure was coming from. But still my body betrayed me and remained silent. So I waited, straining and stretching with my senses to attempt a breakthrough from the prison my mind had concocted for my conscience. My efforts had proven futile, but then it happened. Right as the pressure on my hand reoccurred and I felt a brushing on my forehead I began to understand the murmuring voice.

"We got them Elaine, the council has convicted almost everyone that we captured. All we need now is for you to wake up sweetheart. Everyone's waiting to meet you."

And I knew who that voice belonged too. This time when I opened my eyes it wasn't fear of a man that brought me back from death, but love. The first thing that came into sight was blurry and it took me a few blinks before the face emerged from the distorted shapes.

"Ky." I sighed as he looked down at me.

He just stared at me for a moment, his mouth hanging open as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Then he jumped up from his seat, tearing his hand from mine so that he could wrap both arms around me and hug me tightly.

"Elaine!" he whispered. "Oh thank God, Elaine, you're finally awake! Oh Jesus I was so worried."

I smiled slightly and wrapped my arms around his neck, clutching him tightly to me. When he finally released me he let his hand linger against my cheek, his eyes flickering across my face as if he never wanted to look away from me.

"How are you feeling?"

"A bit dizzy and achy, but pretty good." I told him, being completely honest.

He stroked my hair back from my face, a small smile playing on his lips. I reached my hand up to cup his face but found some wires prevented me from accomplishing this. I frowned slightly which made Ky grin and he leaned his forward to rest his forehead against mine, allowing me the mobility I needed to touch him.

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