Chapter 10

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“...and then he was like ‘I’ll see you tomorrow’ and he kissed my cheek! Oh my gosh, Kylie, can you believe it?!” Felicia squealed and grabbed my arm excitedly. I tried to put an enthusiastic expression on my face.

“That’s so great Felicia! He sounds like an amazing guy!”

She beamed at me. “I know, right?! Oh he just texted me!”

She showed me the text which was meaningless flirtations. I suppressed a sigh and tried to help her think of what to say back to him. I was thankful when someone came up next to us to distract her, then less thankful when they threw their arm around my shoulder. I looked over at the source with a glare and had to force myself not to punch his face in.

“What the hell do you want?” I asked. Felicia looked up, startled at my outburst, and then looked over at Blair next to me before rolling her eyes.

“Could you give us a minute?” Blair asked Felicia, but then steered me away from her before she could respond.

The bell rang for first period to start so the hallways were practically empty and Blair backed me up against a locker, his hands braced against the lockers on either side of my face.

“What do you want?” I asked again.

He looked surprised for a moment and then seemed amused. “You’re not scared.”

I shrugged. “What’s to be afraid of?”

“You haven’t heard the rumors about me?”

At that I smirked. “Oh I get it, you’re used to the new kids trembling in your shadow as you walk down the hall.”

Blair’s eyes narrowed for a moment at my expression but then he smirked as well. “And the new girl’s doing whatever the hell I want them too.”  

“Am I hurting your ego?” I pretended to pout.

“I know a way to make it better...” he suggested.

“And we’re done here.” I told him firmly, crossing my arms and waiting for him to move his hands. I was silently counting down in my head from ten before I broke them. 

“What’s the matter, got someone else on your mind babe? You and that step-brother of yours looked a bit too cozy for siblings.” his eyes flashed maliciously and my jaw flexed.

Don’t break his face. Don’t break his face. I chanted to myself.

“That’s just nasty. I’m not into the whole incest thing. And what are you talking about? We were not “too cozy”, you sicko.”

“Seemed like it after school yesterday. Congrats on becoming a cheerleader by the way.”

My eyes widened slightly which just made his smirk grow. “You stalking me now?”

He shrugged. “I was just getting out of detention and happened to see you two around the corner.” he leaned in closer.

“So come on babe, you can tell me. I won’t tattle.”

“You have two seconds to back off or I will disfigure you.” I told him flatly.

“Mm, I like it when a girl talks dirty.” he leaned in closer and I was just about to break his nose when I saw a sight over his shoulder that made me freeze.

“What the hell?!” Zach demanded as he stalked over to us. Blair, as the creepy drama queen he seemed to be, found this even more entertaining and his smirk just got bigger. However I knew he wouldn’t be quite as amused if Zach got his hands on him. I could already see out of the corner of my eye an open locker shuddering slightly as Zach struggled to not let his anger control his powers. I grabbed one of Blair’s forearms and spun him around so that he was now the one shoved against the locker. His expression was priceless.

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