Ch. 2

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Flashback Katherine's POV (story will stay in her POV unless said otherwise)

Age 5

"Mommy! I'm home! I have something to show you!" I say as I zoomed through the house in search of my mom. My dad was at work so he'd be home shortly.

I reached my parents bedroom and found that the door was closed and locked.

"Mommy?" I knocked. "I'm home are you in there?" No noise was heard. I went around searching for the spare key when I finally found it. I opened the door and what I saw will haunt me for all of eternity. I stood there in shock tears rolling down my face as I looked at my mom laying on the floor covered in blood.

"I'm home!" I heard my dad yell from downstairs. I just stood completely paralyzed.

"Daddy!!" I yelled. He immediately came upstairs.

"Oh my... Kat sweetie don't look." He said as he lifted me up. I buried my head into his shirt.

"Daddy." I sobbed.

"It's alright, I'm here." I knew he was crying as well.

"What happened to mommy?" I asked.

"I-I'm not sure.... But we have to leave.."

After things were done my dad and I moved somewhere far from our old house.

"Dad.... are you going to leave too?"

"I'll never leave you I'll always be here to protect you. Let's just try and move past that, you and I are going to go do something okay?"

I nodded. My dad ended up teaching me to fight. He told me that this way I'd be able to protect him too, of course he just said that to make me feel better. He'd teach me ways to fight everyday, it'd be our bonding time and it did make me feel better... but I could tell he was teaching me this for some other reason.

Age 16

We took a break so my dad went outside for air and I stayed inside and ate ice-cream.

"Dad I'm ready to g-."

"Kat!" It's been 11 years since I saw my mom dead in the worst way possible. Ever since then my dad and I have bonded to the extreme. He even quit his job to spend more time with me. 11 years you'd think things would be over but no. As if one parent wasn't enough now I see my father being attacked. I went to help him but I was pushed back and knocked out. I woke up to see the same image as 11 years ago.

"Dad!" I knelt next to him as I cried. I was sad but also very angry. I looked around I don't remember who it was I saw that attacked him it was all a blur. I saw a piece of paper next to him.

I killed your mom and dad you're welcome.

Something snapped inside of me and I was determined to find who did this.....but not just that people needed to know how I feel.

Age 17

I am very popular now a days. Which is very cool.

The beautiful sound of a girl screaming for her life is ringing in my ears. She's a gorgeous girl too, such a shame to have to kill her... oh well. I suck my fingers in her mouth ripping her jaw off. As soon as that was over I finished her off by ripping out her heart. It's no use killing someone without making sure they feel pain first. It's difficult with vampires since they heal but not impossible thanks to a special little flower. I wouldn't say it gets boring but I do like to give equal death to vampires, werewolves and humans. It's fun to find different ways of ending ones life. The King's army has been after me for quite a while but it's no use. I've gotten way to smart and strong over the years.

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