Ch. 20

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Well here we are... homecoming. It's everything I expected and I hate it.


"What do you mean?"

"My Dad says we should go. That way if we're there then Laine's stalkers will most likely be there too." Cassy said.

"Well how about since you ditched me at school, you can go to this thing with Mason? Not with him, because I'll kill him, but you know what I mean."

Cassy laughed. "Kitty~ This could be fun though." She said as she sat on my lap. "And I know you're just saying that. You wouldn't actually let me go alone."

I hate when she'd right. I threw my head back on the couch. "Fine."

"Great! I already told Scarlett to tell Laine. Oh! And I have the perfect dre-!"

I covered her mouth with my hand. "I'm not wearing a dress."

She pouted. "But Kat!"

"No. You got me to go, but you will not in any lifetime, get me in a dress. Even if I did, how would you expect me to fight in one?"

"Wear shorts underneath." Even she didn't say that with confidence. "Fineee. I'm still wearing one though."

I broke eye contact to look down. "Okay. Just be sure to tell people to keep their distance, otherwise I'll break their arms."

"My eyes are up here." She said, lifting my head with her finger. "I think I'll have to be more worried about you not keeping your hands to yourself."

"Yeah. Probably." I smirked.

Cassy gave me a quick peck. "Let's go! We have a lot of shopping to do, considering it's a day away."

"Yay." I said unenthusiasticly.

Cassy took her sweet time looking through all the dresses, while I was trying to find some sort of entertainment. "So, are we going together?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like do I need to match my tie with your dress? Do I need to get you flowers? A corsage? Do you want a limo or a chariot?"

Cassy blushed like mad. "W-wh-."

"Just curious Cass. It's a dance, not a wedding. No need to freak out so much."

She buried her face into my chest. "I hate you." She mumbled.

"Love you too. Now answer."

Cassy backed up, still holding onto my shirt. "Well from what I've heard. Homecoming isn't as big of a deal as prom... so a lot of that stuff you said maybe a bit much."

I shrugged. "Okay, easier for me. Although never doubt what I'd do for you. I'm going to go look for a suit, find me when you're done."

"Wait." Cassy grabbed my arm.


She bit her lip. "...Get a red tie..."

I looked at her options in her hands, and smirked. "You're getting that one?"

She nodded.

"Alright then princess, shall we go?"


"Did I ever tell you, you look beautiful?" I asked Cassy, through the music. The dance's theme was the 50s and 2000s. So, many were dressed from either time.

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