Chapter 3: Caught Red Handed

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My body tensed as I stared into Mason's forest green eyes. He's stare was accusatory, and made me shift uncomfortably in the plastic chair. I bit my lip and averted my eyes away from his as the reality sank in that I had been caught snooping through the Facebook profile of a dead girl; his recently murdered little sister to be exact. I knew I should have done this somewhere other than the library. I could have waited until I got home, but I was worried that it would upset my mother. She had been so torn up after the news broadcast that had identified Sophie that I didn't want to make it worse. I also never considered the fact that Mason might actually show up to school just two days after his sister's lifeless body was found in the woods. Didn't he want to take a few days off so he could be with his family, and reminisce about old memories of him and his only sibling instead of being whispered about in the hallways, and offered shallow condolences from classmates who barely knew him or Sophie?

If I was in his situation,  would have tried adamantly to avoid this place like the plague for as long as possible. Especially knowing that everyone would be talking about what had happened to my little sister, as if her death was the hottest gossip rather than the tragedy that it was. I'm sure he would be, or even already had been bombarded with questions, speculations, or even rumors. I had already heard a few that were whispered in hushed tones in the hallways, and I was sure that if I had heard them, then he had too. Some centered around the idea that she was murdered by her own family members; her parents, and even Mason himself. I shuddered at the thought. I didn't know him that well, but I couldn't believe he had killed his own sister. I didn't like my brother all the time, but I couldn't image ever killing him no matter how angry he made me. I had seen Mason and Sophie together the very first time I had met them, and they seemed close.

"What do you think you're doing?" he repeated, racing and eyebrow at me. I noticed a growl of annoyance as he spoke. It was similar to how my brother addressed me whenever I pushed his buttons, and it usually meant he was at his wits end. How the hell am I going to talk myself out of this one? Seriously, of all of the people who could have caught me, why did it have to be Mason? I wish I was actually invisible instead of just socially imperceptible, maybe then he wouldn't have seen me meddling. "Don't make me ask again." He crossed his arms over his chest tightly, causing lean ropes of muscle to become prominent. He was now glaring at me so angrily that I felt like I was going to melt under the intensity of his gaze. I offered him a forced smile, one that showed my discomfort and probably came out looking more like a grimace than an actual smile. I wished that I could just disappear and never come back, effectively getting me out of this situation. He looked different than when I had met him a few months ago in the woods when he and Sophie had saved me. His hair was noticeably longer and far more disheveled, and there were dark bags under his wide, bloodshot eyes from lack of sleep. His expression was hard, and cold, but I could see a hint of sadness in his eyes. His nose was tinted a light pink color, and his eyes were glassy, as if he had been crying before he caught me. Maybe he had heard the rumors, and was regretting coming to school now. I felt for him instantly. It was if someone had reached their hand into my chest and squeezed my heart into a tight fist. I couldn't even imagine what he was feeling right now, and I had only made it worse. 

Mason leaned closer to me, his hair falling into his eyes and making him look even scarier than he had before. "Are you deaf or something? I said, what the hell do you think you're doing?" he questioned.

My mouth opened, but I couldn't make any sound come out. There was a short gasp of breath, which sounded like I was trying to talk, but nothing resembling actual words came out. I could feel my face growing hot, as it typically did when attention was focused on me. I didn't like being the center of attention, anyone's attention, and it didn't help that Mason was furious with me. I took a deep breath in an attempt at trying to calm myself down, and Mason seemed to understand that he was making me nervous. He took a step back and leaned against the wall in anticipation for my answer.

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