Chapter 11: Miscalculations

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The final bell had rang about ten minutes ago, which sent my fellow classmates scattering in an attempt to get home or to sports and after school activities. I had gone to my locker to put away a few of my books, and also to stall for the impending math test I was going to have to make corrections on. I hadn't told Mason why I was staying after, but Mr. Miller let it drop when he announced test corrections would only be available until four, and looked at me and a few other people when he added, "If you got a bad grade on the first test, be sure to come."

Mason had offered me a sympathetic smile when I looked back. I had tried not to, but I knew he would have just come to talk to me after class about it if I didn't. Luckily once class ended, Mason didn't bring it up. Instead he just walked with me before he went home. 

"Don't forget to text me when you're done. I'll let you know if I've made any progress," he said with a knowing smile. If I wasn't mistaken, he was a little nervous. I wasn't sure if it was about whatever Sophie had hidden in her computer, or something else. I couldn't imagine what else it would be, but as he got closer to me I felt the familiar tension from when we were in his room. I felt light headed and giddy, like a school girl with a crush, as we walked side by side down the hallway. When our hands accidentally brushed together, I had to bite my lip to keep myself from smiling. The entire time we were together, I felt people staring, but I just ignored them. He left when we went past the main entrance, which left me to suffer another round of this math test alone. 

I sighed, shutting my locker and trudging my way back to math. 

I took in the fluid social circles as I past a few groups, and overheard a few rumors as I went on. I shook my head at most of them and chose not to delve further into them. I was so sick of rumors, especially the ones about Sophie and Mason. They had started moving on from Sophie, believing they knew how she died, and had gone to Mason. Most described him as a cold, heartless guy. That bothered me, and I had half a mind to correct them, but really how much did I know about Mason?

We had only started talking a few days ago, not counting when we had argued with each other the first few times we had really spoken. I just felt the need to stand up for him, even though I knew he would do it on his own, I just didn't want him to do it alone. I wanted him to know that I would be there for him, especially since Sophie couldn't be anymore and she had been there for me when I needed someone. 

I sighed. If she had let me fall that day, maybe whoever killed her would be done. He would have gotten rid of us both, but at least now we have a chance to catch him. Hopefully Mason cracks the code on the laptop soon. We really needed something to go off of, because right now I was grasping at straws to keep Mason going with this idea and to give myself hope we could figure this out before someone else got hurt. Mason and I were going to be in danger once we started getting leads, I had a feeling this guy didn't want to be caught and would do anything to make sure he wasn't.

I shivered at the thought as I walked into my math class to see only one other person waiting for Mr. Miller to show up. I sighed in disappointment when I noticed it was Brad. He must have copied from my test, like he always did, and copied the wrong answers. After knowing my skills in math were lacking after he copied me last year, you'd think he'd try to get someone else to help him. I guess it just showed how little he actually paid attention. If I was him, I'd copy off of me in a Science class instead of Math. I can ace Science tests without studying for them actively, but no matter how hard I study for Math I always fall short.

Brad sat in the back of class, probably to find a way to cheat when Mr. Miller left the room like he usually did to finish a few things before he left for the day. I sat up front and prayed that he wouldn't move to sit next to me again. I doubted he would since we had failed the first test, but mostly I hoped he would stop sitting next to me in general. I didn't like cheaters, but I also didn't like being a tattle tail. That would only give me a worse reputation, and while I didn't have any friends to really lose I just didn't want to suffer from the rumors that would spread. At least the ones about Mason and I were relatively harmless, for now. 

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