Chapter 26: Knife Point

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When I woke up my head was spinning. My vision was black as I felt the area around me. My hands roamed around the tight space that I was in, and as I moved around the sound of a engine became prominent as I was jerked forward. I realized then that I was in the trunk of a car that had been emptied out. As the car continued to move I tried hard not to panic and instead tried to find something to get me out of here. I felt around the top of the hood to the trunk, searching for one of the levers that would open it from inside. My hands shook lightly as the roamed over the cold metal.

There was a change in the road beneath us and the drive went from smooth to bumpy. I could hear gravel beneath the wheels, which meant that we had to be out of town now. My heart thumped loudly in my chest, and my breathing quickened as the car came to a sudden stop. Trembling, I pressed my back up against the far back of the trunk, trying to move as far away from the opening as possible. I listened hard to hear what was going on outside of the trunk, and nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the car door open. The car rocked as the driver got out, and then again when the door was slammed shut.

I heard footsteps in the gravel progressively grow louder as my kidnapper go closer to the trunk. I was so terrified that my palms were sweating. My eyes were wide, and tears prickled them, but I willed myself to be strong. It was hard to do when imagined images of Sophie's lifeless body lying in the woods came to mind. It was a very realistic thought that I could be next. There would probably be a search for me as soon as my parents woke up and saw that I wasn't in bed. That's if they even check on me considering that today is a Saturday and the only day that I get to sleep in late.

The footsteps came to a stop outside and I cringed as the trunk popped open. If I thought my heart was beating out of control before, now it had completely stopped as I stared up into the eyes of my kidnapper. Mr. Miller stared down at me, a heavy glare on his face.

"Get out," he growled, reaching down and wrapping his cold fingers around my upper arm in a vice-like grip. He didn't even give me time to react to his order, not that I would have anyway, before he was yanking my body up and out of the trunk. I stumbled as I landed on my feet and then was pulled, and practically dragged toward a small cabin. I looked around us in all directions trying to get a good sense of where we were. All around us were trees, and in the early morning lighting it was hard to see past them.

"What are you going to do to me, Mr. Miller?" I questioned, my voice shaking and showing how scared and nervous I was. 

Mr. Miller shook his head and continued to drag me as I stumbled over my feet. When we reached the door he pushed it open and shoved my inside. My legs wobbled and I hit the wooden ground hard, slamming my hands to the floor to catch myself before I hit my head.

"You know what," he answered, pulling the cabin door shut behind him. 

The inside was small from what I could see. There were two doors at the back that I assumed led to a bathroom and a bedroom, and the main area was empty except for fishing poles and a chair that had restraints on it. I knew instantly that that was for me, and had probably held Sophie as well.

I shook my head, making eye contact with him as I said, "I don't know. Please, don't hurt me."

A sickening feeling was in my gut as he scoffed at my words. "Don't play dumb, Casey. I know that you were on to me. I knew what I had to do as soon as I noticed you went digging for my wife's photo. I know that you figured it out."

A tear dripped from my eye and down my cheek. "I don't know what you're talking about," I denied. I remembered that day that I had went into Sophie's room with Mason. I had wondered if she knew that she would never return to her room, or her family again. I wondered what had been going through her head during her final moments when she knew that she was about to die. Now I knew. I wondered if Sophie had ever learned about her connection to me, or about her real mother, but I doubted it. I was sure that Mr. Miller had targeted us for our looks, because we looked like his wife. I just wasn't sure why.

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