Chapter 20: Road Kill

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Mindy leaned over and ran a hand through my hair, untangling any knots before proceeding to braid it. "This isn't going to work without a scrunchy or something to hold it at the end. You're hair is too thin," she said as her fingers moved skillfully.

"You act like I asked you to braid my hair," I replied, raising a french fry to my lips and chewing it up. 

In my peripheral vision I saw Mindy raise her shoulder in a shrug. "I asked if I could do you're hair, and you said I could braid it. That suggestion was your idea."

"What else could you do to it without a hair tie?"

She was silent for a moment before saying, "I don't know. I'm just bored."

I bit my lip in an attempt to keep my mouth shut. I had suggested that we sit outside for lunch today, but none of Mindy's friends had wanted to come. They had complained about the heat, and bugs, and anything else that they could think of. Mindy had felt bad for me and had said yes to joining me, but I knew that she would have rather been inside talking to the other girls.

"Well, then tell me what's new," I offered, stuffing another fry into my mouth. 

Mindy reached over me and snagged a fry, not even bothering to ask. She knew that I didn't mind, and she had forgotten her lunch money today anyway. "Like what exactly? Pick a topic: Boys, family, friends, school." Her brown eyes focused on me as I thought of which one would be more interesting.


She frowned. "Are you asking me or is that your choice?"

I rolled my eyes dramatically for her benefit. "That's my choice."

Mindy groaned, and leaned on the table. "Bore-ing," she said, dragging out each syllable. "My parents are trying for a new baby." She poked her tongue out and held her finger over it in a gag me motion. "Gross. Pick another topic." She reached for the half of chicken sandwich that I had left and broke off a small piece. She it so daintily that you would think that someone was filming us.

I knew that she wanted me to pick 'boys' because when she listed the topics again, once again boys was first. So I picked it, causing her to clap her hands together excitedly. She instantly dropped the strands of my hair and turned to face me.

Once she was sure my full attention was on her, she raised two fingers and said, "Two words. Jake. Wilson."

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. Jake was a senior this year, and I had never even seen him and Mindy talking before. Besides, he had a girl friend of a year who was in our grade, and was one of the nicest people I knew.

Seeing my confused expression, she continued saying, "I went with Caitlyn to some party last weekend and he was there." She raised an eyebrow. "Long story short, we ended up making out in the bathroom."

"Doesn't he have a girlfriend?" I asked, although I already knew the answer.

To my surprise, Mindy only shrugged."Whatever, it won't happen again. Definitely a one time thing. We were totally trashed," she added, as if that was a good reason for anything. I hated when people used alcohol as an excuse for their actions. If they couldn't drink and control themselves, they shouldn't drink at all. Who knows what they would do under the influence? But before I could tell her how wrong that was, she asked, "How about you? Tell me about your guy. Mr. Hottie-they-found-my-sister's-dead-body." She laughed so hard that she had to clutch her stomach.

I frowned, staring her down. "That's not funny," I spoke, my voice serious. She noticed, and stopped laughing instantly. She didn't know that Sophie was also my sister too, and she didn't need to either, but it was still disrespectful. I know she wouldn't have said it if she knew Sophie and I were related, but I could see now that her true colors were showing more and more and I didn't like what I saw. "No matter how she died, Sophie lost her life before she even really had a chance at experiencing anything."

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