Chapter 17: Drugs, Sex, and Rock and Roll

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The computers beeped softly as they turned on. I waited impatiently for mine to load, bouncing my leg as I did so. Next to me, Mason gave me a soft smile, then placed his hand on the thigh of my leg that was closest to him.

"That won't make the computer go any faster," he joked, pulling his hand away. I resisted the urge to groan as he moved his hand. I enjoyed his touch far too much, and that could only lead to bad things. He had already made it obvious that he wasn't going to push for anything more than just friendship between us. Maybe it was for the best. We had more important things to worry about.

Focusing my attention back on the computer, I was excited to see that it was fully loaded. I used the mouse to click on the Internet icon, and thankfully I didn't have to wait long for the Google page to come up on the screen. I had come up with the idea of doing research on the drugs that were found in Sophie's system. Mason and I needed to have as much information as possible on Sophie's death before we proceeded any further with trying to figure out who had killed her. Hopefully something in the way that she died would lead us to her killer who hopefully wasn't either of our parents. 

The toxicology reports had stated that Sophie had had unusually high levels of oxycodone and triazolam in her blood system, which had led the police to believing that she had committed suicide buy overdosing on them. Just to be sure that those were the only drugs found, the first thing I did was search for the interview that had been released with the Chief of Police who had labeled Sophie's cause of death to the public. Then I opened up another page so that I could research one of the drugs. Next to me, Mason was doing the same thing. We had agreed to each search one of the drugs and find out as much as we could about them. The main thing we wanted to know was who had access to them. From there we could narrow down who to look into.

For the time being we had decided to eliminate our parents as suspects. It was just easier for the both of that way, especially since neither of us wanted to think that one of our parents was capable of committing murder. The thought alone was horrifying. If we found something that lead us back to one of our parents then we would have to look over the possibility of them being the murderer, but for now we were going to go over and exhaust every other possible suspect.

I reopened the page to the interview with the Chief of Police and skimmed through the article to be sure that we hadn't missed anything. Nothing stood out, other than the two medications that were found in her system. I glanced at Mason to see that he was doing the same thing that I was. I smiled softly. Great minds think alike.

"I'll try and find anything that I can on oxycodone," I whispered, gaining his attention.

His dark hair fell over his forehead and into his eyes as he nodded. "Okay, tell me what you find. I'll look up triazolam, or how ever you say it."

I shifted positions in my chair, getting more comfortable as I clicked over to the blank tab that I had opened and did a search for the drug. My eyes widened as the results came up showing that there were over ten million of them. Good lord. Luckily, the first link on the page seemed to be exactly what I was looking for. The title of the result was, "Oxycodone Uses, Dosages, and Side Effects". I clicked on the link and it took me to a websites that had detailed information on all sorts of drugs. 

I read the passages on oxycodone, scrolling through the information to find what was the most useful. Everything was written in medical terminology, and I only understood the information that was the most obvious, like what it was prescribed for, and how to get it. Other things like its chemical make up were lost on me.

"I found something," I whispered to Mason, who was reading intently.

He pulled his gaze away from the screen and regarded me with curiosity. "What'd you find?"

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